But then…
There can’t always be sun and happiness. Someone decided to stop being nice to me and hacked my accounts. When I logged in the next day after the nice evening all my chars were… naked. It was pretty tough. I didn’t know what to do first, I panicked. I decided to quit Flyff, that was my first thought. I left the guild with all my chars. Only one problem, David was online and he was very surprised. When I logged out he logged in on MSN. I told him that I got hacked and that I wanted to quit. He thought a bit and talked with me about things we could do to get money back. There were a few things: We could use Guy his stuff to kill CW, I could giant hunt with Cupido, I could trans my Ringmaster into a male character to use David his set to aoe, … I was happy that David was there to give me something to do, I promised to make NeocroHero a real Hero if I managed to get all my stuff back. First I sold all CS stuff I had. A few friends had CS sets from me so they bought it from me. Then I asked Guy if I could use his Dayst set, he agreed, and I went CWing with David. David said I could keep all the stuff that the CW dropped. Then… I started to play Luna Online from Runup version with Fabio. I didn’t play on Flyff anymore. But… David didn’t like that, he got angry. He told me to keep on searching for money to make sure I could make my blade to Hero. I had a long talk with him and I made a new character: Dalekoe. It was another Blade. There was an event where you could find Treasure Boxes. I trained pretty much with my new character so I had a few Treasure Boxes. I sold them and got some money. I also sold a few drops that I found. I borrowed the Remingster set of Paula and trained Neocrow. In that time I played Flyff when Fabio wasn’t online. When he came online I switched to Luna. Thanks to Fabio I could buy my first LGA. When Gpotato version of Luna was released I played all the time Luna again. Still, I played also some Flyff. One day, when Fabio was all day on Flyff cause I couldn’t come online, Fabio found someone who sold another LGA. I had enough money so Fabio bought it for me. I was so happy! I started to play Flyff more and more again.