End Decemeber Fabio came to Belgium again to celebrate newyear with me. He left again a few days after newyear. A week later I installed Flyff again. I told friend I was just going to check. I was curious if my character was still the same, if I still had all my items. As soon as I logged in I realised I quit Flyff while I had alot worthful items and even Clockworks drops. I also discovered the new island, Schaduwar, and found out about wings. I realised I had been gone for a long time and that I missed alot things. I closed Flyff again. But not for long, I found myself not much later back on Flyff again. And, I didn't mind.
I left pretty fast my guild TDF and joined GearZ. GearZ their leader is David, an old friend of me. It was a nice guild. There were nice people but it wasn't where I was searching for. That's why I joined Calle (BrokenSwordsman) his guild. It was a rather empty guild but Calle was fun to talk with and cause of him I met two other new friends: Martin (ProFix) and Johan (Turnius). In GearZ I met Dion (DutchD), Smiley and LadyZelda. I also found some old friend again. MrBored, Robin (Zelo), Nataly (WhySoEvil), ...
As soon as I entered GearZ there were plans of going to Aminus. I was happy to join them. It gave me back the feeling that I had in TDF. Working together on reaching everyone's goals.
I started to hang around more and more with Johan, Martin and Dion. When Dion mentioned he needed money I offered to go kill Clockworks with him. He agreed immediately. So, I left Broken, Calle his Guild, and started to CW. (More about that you can read in post: Clockworks.)
Cause Fabio and David quit the dayst was sortof mine now. I also got Fabio his bloodysword and blainset. I started to train NeocroHero again. I wanted to hit 99.99%. First cause I loved training again and later also cause V15 was coming. I enjoyed training as much as I did before. NeocroHero became a really good character.
Cause all the new friends I met on Flyff I didn't want to quit again. It felt good playing Flyff again. I only missed my old guild.