I'm not a Hero, I'm NeocroHero!
I made a new character later named Neocrome. It was a male character cause I wanted to make an acrobat and I didn’t like the female acrobat clothes. He became a yoyo-jester. I don’t remember a lot from making him or levelling him. I do remember when I trained at mushpoie, me and Smoer decided to buy gpotatos to buy CS clothes. We bought 2100 gpots each. I bought a Casual set. Smoer bought Dark Nurse set. When I was 74 I was tired of levelling with that character so I made a new one. It was also a male character cause the CS clothes, his name was NeocroHero. I guess I made NeocroHero begin April. Smoer helped me with levelling him. Around level 20, Smoer went on her sister’s character to plv me. That character was an aoe assist. I levelled damn fast! Now I would say I levelled slow but in that time it was fast for me. Smoer kept plvling me as much as she could. On 30 April NeocroHero was level 48. I trained with a new character of Petey. I didn’t level a lot myself. Smoer kept plvling me even when I was 71 and she trained at Watangkas. After that I started at my own.
A few joined our guild. On 12 May our best members were: Smoer, Paulaa, CuteSonia, SweetNataly, BulletProofMonk, NeocroHero, DontMessWithME. Only 2 of them left. A bit later Sven (DontMessWithME) said he was training with a really good FS named Infinty, Sven asked if he could join. ‘Ofcourse’ we said. I started to train in mines and David (Infinty) trained few times with me. He was a really good Ringmaster. He became my permanent Ringmaster.
NeocroHero had never really good pro-weapons. Around 60 I used an NPC sword and a Sword of Silver Sword. Clean of course. Around level 75 I used a Dretra +3 and an Ivilish Sword. Around level 80 I switched the Ivilish Sword for an Ivilish Axe and I switched the Dretra for a H-Sword. Around level 90 ~ 95 I sold my Ivilish Axe and used a while a normal NPC sword (also clean). From level 100 till 105 I trained with level 100 NPC axes. A good friend of me, Dmjenk allowed me to use his Angel Axe sometimes, lucky! I bought 2 Legendary Golden Swords, I made them +7 and +6. I used them from level 105 till 120. When I became 120 I was able to buy my first Legendary Golden Axe! A +8 one. I trained till 99,99% then I was able to buy a second one. Also +8.
(I know I'm only level 119 on this screenshot but Dmjenk let me use his LGA once before I bought it.)