I started FlyFF in Januari 2008. Yme-Jan, a friend of me, told me it was a funny game I had to play. So I downloaded it and started with my first character: Neocropain. When I was around level 3 Yme-Jan told me I started on the ‘wrong server’ (he played on Demian) so I made a new character on server Demian (also named Neocropain). Yme-Jan had an assist character so he helped me till level 15. Then I logged out. The next day I logged in again and I was still with Bangs. I had no idea how to get back to town but I saw a blinkwing ‘to nearest town’ so I used it. I had one problem, I teleported to Saint Morning and not to Flaris. (If you are with bangs, some places are closer to Saint Morning) I panicked and called Yme-Jan. I was at that moment running trough Saint Morning City, totally lost. Anyway, Yme-Jan came and gave me a blinkwing to Flaris. I did my first job quest. I became an Assist. It took a while before I wasn’t scared of Saint-Morning anymore. Smoer, my best friend, started that day also with FlyFF. She made a Mercanery.
I don’t remember a lot from that time. I guess me and Smoer levelled a lot together but she quit her Mercanery very soon and started a Magician. I remember that I trained in Mas Mines for a long time. If I hear the sound of the ferferns I see flashbacks of that time. I made a few friends there also but they all quit. Cause the amount of fast respawing agros in Mines I died a lot there. It didn’t took long till I could run the way from Flaris to Mas Mines with my eyes closed.
I also remember that in that time the NPC sets were different levels. Like, helmet was level 40, suit 41, gloves 42 and boots 43. (just an example) I was really proud when I could wear my full blue NPC Assist set (lily set). I still like it, but ofcourse the green version: Flury. There were no Buffpangs yet so levelling was kind of slow.
When I was last in Flaris to help someone with his new character we passed Demians. Sudden I remembered a story from when I was there. I was like level 15 and Smoer just started playing. She ran to Demians to train there and I followed. Sudden Smoer got attacked by Giant Demian! I, playing a brave hero, attacked the Demian to save Smoer. Since I was still a low level, the Giant Demian hit me pretty hard.,I ran to the small bridge from Madren town. There, the Giant felt down and got stuck under the bridge. Me and Smoer were laughing cause it couldn’t hit me while I was on the bridge and he under it. Sudden it ran on the bridge and killed me. That was so funny.
My first times in Darken are legendary times. It was a dream of me to train there. My first time in Darken was with Blizzard. He was a Magician who I met with Bangs when I was taking ‘holidays’ there with Smoer. First we teleported to Darken then he told me to take my board and follow him. We above the caves and flied to Darken 2,1. It was so amazing! We stopped at the little city Kiphra in Darkon 2,1. After that we returned back to Saint Morning. My second time was with Smoer. I had a quest and for that quest I needed to find a guy in Darkon. Smoer wanted to go with me so we went together. We landed near cranes. There we met some ‘high level’ people. It was so amazing for us. I died few times but we found a guy named PsychoMantis who wanted to help us. He brought us to leyena where I found the guy from my quest. After that we went to steamwalkers. He took all his clothes off, hit a few steamwalkers and he said we had to kill them. I was so amazed that even without clothes he didn't die from so many monsters. I didn’t even mind that I died so many times. PsychoMantis quit later.
When me and Smoer fought at giggleboxes a ‘high level’ girl visited us. She was Blade. Smoer explained me bout the second job classes. I was so impressed. And that girl was so cool! I saw also few times a Master in Saint Morning. All I remember from them is that they glowed a lot. It was later that I realised where the M stands for, then started to respect them.
As soon I got 3m Penya I made a guild. On 14 March our guild was born: Twilight Dentifrice. You can read more about making the guild on our website. (www.denti.be.tt)
Me and Smoer were training together at Garbetrons. Smoer her Magician was level 59, I was a bit lower. As soon as she levelled she wanted to do her second job quest, and left me alone. She was pretty exited. After all, a day or two later I could do also my second job quest. It was at that time a really hard quest for me. I couldn’t find the Hunter X. Lucky I had some friend who knew where it was. He showed me and helped with the rest of the quest. I don’t remember his name, I only remember he was an elementor. When we came at Venel Guardian I tried to kill it but, I failed. The Elementor took me to Boos and plvled me till I levelled again. I tried again but died again. I guess I died like 3 times. (Yes such a shame) Finally I killed the Venel and I could go to the Guardians. I became a Ringmaster.
SouleaterEl plvled me at that time a few times, at Watankas. He was number one of Demian later, he quit later. I also met Luxagirl there, she was a good friend of SouleaterEl. Smoer had her in her friend list and she learned a lot from her. Smoer told everything to me what she learned from her. Sad that my view of her changed. I looked up to her but now I think different. She quit a while ago too.
Once I plvled a guy named Petey. I don’t really remember with what char I was plvling him. It could be it was already with my new character: Neocrome. Anyway, he said to me he would buy a green set for me. He asked me what blue one I liked the most. I told him: The blue set level 41! He said: But the purple is a lot better. I answered: I don’t really care, I like the blue. He bought for me a Fluryset. I was so happy.