Monday, 13 October 2014

Post number 500

After posting last post I noticed that I had posted 499 blog entries. Which means that this is post number 500!

We're nearing the end of 2014 and we're nearing the end of the 5th year that I'm keeping this blog. When I started writing here I never thought I'd keep updating it for so long. The original reason why I made this blog is to write down my story about how I became a Hero on Flyff. Meanwhile so much has happened but I still enjoy writing little stories about the things I do online (and in real life). This blog has become a treasure of memories and it has become very valuable to me.

Thank you for reading my blog!

I'll take this opportunity to make a quick list of the more 'important' blog posts.

The story of NeocroHero (My Flyff journey)
My first character: Neocropain
I'm not a Hero, I'm NeocroHero!
I want to be a Master.
Clockworks (klokkenspel).
My way continues.
When GMs have fun.
Why do all good things come to an end?
Stairway to Hero.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Do stories ever end?

Guild Wars 2 (My first month on Guild Wars 2)
My first day on Guild Wars 2
Spoons, hamsters and big fights
The world versus us
Raids and proposals
Let's dance!
More company

In our memory
Rest in peace, Discovery
May you sleep forever on weird places
Rest in peace, Felix
Rest in peace, Yoshi

The Dinosaur God
The Dinosaur God (Part 1)
The Dinosaur God (part 2)

One of those summers (Short story)
Things to do when you're bored on Flyff (If you'd still be playing Flyff I'm sure you'd be hella bored)
5 years Twilight Dentifrice (Story of myself and Twilight Dentifrice through the years)
Impossible love (Best thing ever)

And don't forget
My Tumblr