Thursday 14 April 2011

My Xbox360 games

I got my xbox for about 2 weeks now and I played all my 4 games already. I want to tell you what I think about them.

Halo: Reach
The first game I played on my Xbox was Halo: Reach. I barely knew how to use my Xbox when Rob dragged me into a Halo game. My first shooter too, if you don't count James Bond games on the Gamecube. I tried out all my buttons and found out pretty fast how to shoot (!). When I ran around I was amazed about how smooth it went, by using 2 joysticks. I was used to play games on my computer so playing with a real controller felt awesome. When I looked around I was amazed by the details (I'm used to a Wii!). When I saw fishes I wondered if I could shoot those too. And, yes I could. My first kill on Halo was a fish. I thought it was pretty cool that you could kill fishes, till I got killed from behind by Rob. I died together with the fish.
Later I saw a bottle, which I could shoot too. And I died too, because Rob found me again.

The next day I played the Campain together with Spirit from the guild. We played 6 hours straight to finish it. It was amazing fun. We played while talking sometimes through the microphone. We could go together on a car, where he'd drive and me shoot everything that moved around us. When I was failing he came to the rescue and killed all aliens around me. I really enjoyed it that we could go through the story of Halo: Reach together. I didn't even know first that that was possible. When the last cut scene appeared I got an error, so I missed it. Still, thanks for that great day Spirit. It was really fun.

Yesterday MrBored showed me all kinds of games you could play online. There were games where you were a zombie and you had to infect the others, while those tried to shoot you with shotguns. Then there was a kind of football with a bomb, and a hammer to knock each other out of the way. Amazing fun. We also played a fire fight where we had to kill a lot of aliens, but we had infinite ammo and guns that had like rockets. That was a lot of explosion and fun. We also played invasion but our team sucked so we failed. Then there was something with skulls. After we finished the game MrBored told me what the rules of the game were, no wonder I ended up with only 3 points. Then there was a game where you had to headshot each other. I enjoyed it because I actually manage to kill some people.

So, Halo: Reach is a great game. I'm glad I got it. It's fun to play together with Rob, Spirit or MrBored. I still suck at shooting, I can't aim. I don't get how they always manage to head shot me. I'm not that fast with running, moving, shooting and pummelling yet but... I guess I'll get better in time. I really enjoy playing with friends online. And no matter how many times you guys own me, I still like Halo!

Fable III

The second game I tried was Fable. I went for a female character, a princess, to prove that I'm actually a girl. The game started with making decisions that I'd be nice to people or mean. I had to give a nice speech to some people, or scold them. I had to choose between getting my best friend killed, or like 20 workers. After that I got dragged away from my castle and appeared into an underground mine, where I learned how to use magic. The magic worked smooth but I didn't really like that I couldn't use my sword yet. Later in the game where I got also my sword and gun I realized how smooth fighting went. Switching between the 3 isn't a problem at all, and I love to kill with using all 3 my 'weapons'.

Problem of the game is... It has rather boring parts. I have a lot of lame conversations that are meant to be funny, but aren't. I had to dress myself as a chicken and get chickens in their cage, which was also supposed to be funny but really boring. I had to do a theatre play where I had to switch costumes, but it just ended up to be pressing A or B. Boring. Conversations with people around in town is too wannabe-Sims. You can do different actions like 'talk' or 'fart' or 'hero pose'. And by that people like you or hate you. Every time you want to interact with such people you have to go into a special 'chat mode', which makes the game slow. 

Still, after playing some serious games like Homefront, where I have to be really concentrated, Fable is great. It's a rather easy game, not too serious stories and you don't need to be so concentrated. I recognize background music out of the first Fable and it makes me realize that I'm actually back in Albion, which is a great place to be. A lot things changed compared to the first Fable, but it's still Fable. And Fable is fun.


The reason I really thought about buying an Xbox360 or PS3 is because of Homefront. I read about it before and it looked like an interesting game. When Spirit send me videos of the gameplay I really wanted to play it. So, I bought Homefront together with my Xbox. The story of the game is America being invaded by Korea. When I started the game I was dragged away out of my 'house' to get pushed in a bus, probably to get killed or prisoned somewhere. As I looked outside the window, I saw people getting shot on the streets. Men, women and children. I'm not such a fan of so much horror but, it really made me feel like I was part of a serious war. Suddenly my bus got knocked over and someone handed me over a gun. The resistance!

Aw. Shooting. It took me a while to get used to the controls, I died a lot of times. But I learned too! In Homefront you have to hide a lot. You have to be careful with your ammo, because you barely have enough. You have to pick up guns all the time and look around before you turn around a corner, because you never know where the Koreans are hidden to shoot you down. They also throw a lot of grenades, so you have to watch out for them.
The battles take place in gardens, supermarkets, small towns with small wooden churches, farms, ... It makes it a lot more realistic than other games.

I like Homefront a lot because of the serious fights, the pressure, the never stopping action. I'm glad I bought the game and I think I'll play the single player again (I finished the game yesterday). I tried the multiplayer once, but I didn't get much of it. The multiplayer is said to be good, so I'll figure out more about it later. Home is where the war is!

Dragon Age II

The last game I played is Dragon Age II. I bought the game because of the long time you need to finish it, and because I like RPG games. Even after finishing Halo, Homefront and Fable I'll still have a lot to do in Dragon Age. I fell in love with the game already after the first battle. The skills, the fighting, it goes really smooth. It's not really easy too, I already died a few times. The storyline is a bit weak, I still don't know what my goal is, but I bet I'll turn into a great Champion or Hero or something.

I'm sorry, I'm male in this game. After making female chars in Halo and Fable I decided to go for a male fighter in this game. I can't say much about the game yet, although I already played for a whole day. I'm a guy that arrived in a big city together with his family. My sister is a magician, my uncle sold my mother's house to slaves. I do works for people to gain our place, status, in the city back.
My sister, a friend that I met on my travel to the town and a dwarf I met in town follow me. There are two other magician that are willing to join my team. My team exists maximum out of 4 people. That's me and 3 other NPCs. I can play with them too, I can switch between the characters. I can put the game on pause and command the others what to do. The battles can be really complicated if I want it to be. There's a lot of items and I can make my own potions and other things.
In conversations I have to choose what to reply all the time, so I have to read carefully what everyone says. It influences the rest of the game. It makes the game a bit slow, but also very interesting.

Dragon Age II is very big and interesting. There's still a lot I have to figure out, learn and explore. I can't say much more yet.