Saturday, 30 April 2011

Papercraft: Update!

I finally started on a new papercraft. My last one (Kanade) wasn't that great. I wasn't that careful with making it and it turned out to be disappointing. So after taking a break I finally start again. I'm going to make a Kingdom Hearts version of Yuna, from Final Fantasy.

I try to not hurry it and be careful with glueing the parts. I finished the shoes already.
On the second picture you see 2 small mistakes, ah well.



Friday, 29 April 2011

Time to laugh

Haa, finally some funny pictures again! I also added some fail anime subtitles.












Thursday, 28 April 2011

Screenshots of the past days

I got screenshots of last week, but they're on my PC. I didn't go to my father this week so you'll have to wait till next week for those screenshots (of last week...). Anyway, since I didn't update blog for a week now (!) I decided to put this ones online already.

Me hanging out aside arena with Sean, Bored and Alari and making fail typos.



Since Monday we got our advanced guild house! Thanks to mrdrunk it has a nice carpet too. Our guild house has 2 rooms now, and we hang out more in it. This happened when I went afk.



To get more rooms we need to complete quests. One of them is to kill 2 giants. We decided to go kill them all together. After killing one of them it didn't get completed in my quest, so we gave up on it. We'll try again later.






More relaxing in the guild house.


Friday, 22 April 2011

Guildhouse Quests and more

To get more rooms in our guildhouse we had to do a few quests. The first one I got was killing 2 giants in Darkon 3. I tried to do it alone first, but failed. Then I called the guild together to come hunt with me. We ended up with a full party of guildies! Then we tried to kill the first giant.





It failed though. Later I asked NyKo about it and tried to kill them alone. This time it worked and we got a second extra room. The next quest was winning guildsiege (said the quest) but it meant guildduel. Since we won from IDOL earlier I could complete the quest at once. All rooms open!


After killing the Giants me, Sean and Shehan took a walk back to Darken.


Karlo being good at typing.


Dino being a pervert.


Guild driving me crazy.


Me saying wrong things.... Uff.


After CWing a few times with Flexible we FINALLY managed to kill the CW. Firework!



Playing frogleap in our garden.


Thursday, 21 April 2011

Sean and Lisa in Mars Mines

"I want to die." said Sean. "I just want to die..." He jumped on his board and flew away. Lisa was stunned. Her lips slowly moved. "Sean..." She stared to the bright sky where he was disappearing. "You cannot..." Lisa ran to her black bike and chased Sean, knowing her bike was faster than Sean's board. When she was about to reach Sean, Sean yelled at her. "No one cares about me, no one cares if I go kill myself." Lisa suddenly realized where he was going to. "Don't!" she said. "Don't go into Mars mines! You'll die there!" "At least they have more attention for me than you have!" They reached Mars Mines and Sean jumped off his board. He ran in before Lisa could reach him and hold him. She took a deep breath and followed Sean into Mars Mines. As her eyes got used to the dark, she saw Sean running away through the monsters to the depths of the mines. After passing the first group of monsters, Sean turned to Lisa. His sight looked empty. "Don't... follow me." Tears appeared in Lisa's eyes. It was like Sean had no life in him anymore. He ran away. Lisa stayed. Not knowing what to do. She didn't dare to go back, through all the monsters again. She didn't want to go back, she wanted to stop Sean. She slowly started to follow Sean again, hoping he wouldn't see her so he wouldn't send her away again.

Sean ran and ran, blocking all the monsters that tried to kill him. He wanted to die on the end, where the big snakes where. Yes, that's where he would die. And no one would stop him. A little behind him, Lisa hid behind rocks and walls. She tried to run as quiet as she could so Sean wouldn't notice her. Suddenly Sean turned around. Lisa hid fast behind a big rock. Sean passed by, he took the wrong way.

Slowly they were reaching the end of the mines. They appeared at a big hall with a big gate and a statue. When Sean was looking to the gate, trying to open it, Lisa jumped as fast as she could in the statue. Sean opened the gate and ran through it. Lisa followed as fast and quiet as she could. She threw herself in the water when Sean looked behind him. "Is... Someone following me?" The gate shut behind him. He looked around but saw no one. He walked to the 6 snakes. "This is my farewell." The 6 snakes attacked Sean. Lisa jumped out of the water. "Sean! Don't die!" She started to heal him as fast as she could. Then she let a big cross appear under her. It did damage on all the 6 snakes. They died slowly. Meanwhile she kept healing Sean. When they all fell dead on the ground Sean looked up to Lisa. "You helped me..."  "I don't want you to die Sean. Let's go back outside." Sean stared to the ground. "Thanks..." Suddenly new snakes appeared. "Run, Lisa! I'll kill them!" He grabbed his knuckle and ran to the snakes. Lisa hesitated, healed Sean once and ran to the gate and opened it. "Sean, the gate is open, quick!" Sean kicked the snakes for a last time with his knuckle and ran to Lisa. The gate closed right behind him. Sean grabbed Lisa's hand and looked into her eyes. "Let's get out of here." Lisa smiled.

They ran together through the halls of the mines. When a giant Fernfern appeared Sean let go of Lisa's hand. "Let me do this." He started to attack the giant. Lisa ran past Sean and the monster and looked from a distance. "Argh! He ripped my t-shirt apart!" said Sean. The giant died. Sean lost his t-shirt. They continued walking and ran into Bangs. Sean fought a way through it, protecting Lisa. "Ugh... I lost my gloves..."


They ran to the rooms filled with Nyanyangs, knowing that they wouldn't attack them as they were family of Sean (But they did attack him). Then they ran to the Fernferns. Sean fought and lost his shoes. Afer that they finally reached the entrance again. "We made it!" said Sean. "We did!" said Lisa.

After running out the mines they relaxed at the hot spring near the mines and lived happy ever after.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Guild Siege Twilight Dentifrice

Saturday evening we finally managed to joined Guild Siege (after we forgot to sign up last week). Dino organised everything with some help of Sam who took guild lead. He let us know the HP and damage of our enemies, but it didn't matter that much for us. We'd lose anyway.

In the end me, Dino, Bored, Rob, Morti, Sean, Marielle, Son, Sam and Brett joined the guild siege.


We entered the guild siege arena and waited till it was about to begin. We gathered together and saw the other guilds gathering together too. We noticed the many Heroes they had, while we even had non master level 80s joining. Fun siege!




"It'd be funny if we won." Yeah. Like that'd ever happen.


When I entered arena I ran some circles around, trying to not jump. Soon I died before I even managed to do something.


Every time I entered I died like right away. Spirit had a hard time trying to get everyone buffed. Not that it really mattered.


I ran out of lives pretty fast and watched how the others were doing. Son was stuck, glitched. He couldn't do anything, neither could others kill him. Dino managed to survive thanks to his really high HP.



When even Dino lost his lives, Sam mentioned that he gave us new nicknames. That's what you get if you give him guild lead!



Guild siege ended. Only Sean managed to kill someone, which he's very proud about. If you scrolled down with the score, you found our guild members on the bottom. Good job everyone!

I think it was really funny to do once, but it costs a little too much to do it more. If they changed the participating money to 10m instead of 100m I think we'd join more, to have some fun. We also realized it's not such a guild thing, more a fight you have alone. That's why we're going to try to find guilds to guild war with. That'll be a lot more fun than Guild Siege.


Screenshots I made before Siege.

Son showing off his bikes.




Playing three on a row in arena.
