Monday 1 July 2013

New York: Days 1-2

20 June - Day 1

This was the second time ever that I took a plane, last time was when I was 12 years old. It was the first time I ever went on a holiday alone so of course I was really stressed. My flight left around 11am and would last 8 hours. Because of the time difference I arrived at 1pm local time in New York. When I left the plane I had to wait in a long line for security. They took my fingerprints and a picture of me before I could pass. Then I had to search my luggage to then wait again for a second security check. When I got through that, I arrived in the arrival hall but I couldn't see Sonaj right away. When I looked around for a bit I saw him jumping around with a big bouquet of flowers in his hands. I tried to walk to him but he ran right past me! I had to grab him to get his attention.

The flowers and Aladdin cup aside it.

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It was really weird at first to see him. He looked smaller than I thought he would be (haha, sorry) and his voice also sounded a bit different in 'real life'. We waited for a taxi and drove to our hotel. After one hour we arrived there and we took my luggage to our room. I gave him the presents I bought for him (a lot stroopwafels and an Aladdin cup). Then we rested for a bit because I had a headache but I felt like we should take a walk instead of just sitting in our room so we went out for a short walk. We walked through the park one block away from our hotel, the Madison Square park. There were squirrels everywhere and they didn't seem to be afraid of people. When we left the park we ran into the Flatron building. We took some pictures and took a random street. After walking for a while we decided to get some food and drinks in a supermarket. We bought a sandwich and went to a park by the supermarket to eat it. I felt really tired so we decided to go back to the hotel after buying some sushi we would eat for dinner from that same supermarket.


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Flatron Building.

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Something we saw on our way.

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In the hotel I started to feel pretty sick. Besides a headache I also felt pretty nauseous. When that kept lasting and I only felt more and more horrible Sonaj went to get medicine for me. While he was gone I had to throw up twice. When he got back I had to throw up again and that basically went on all night. Sonaj supported me all night long and he barely could get any sleep but I'm really thankful for his support. He was really sweet and kind, him being a future doctor also helped probably. After many hours I finally fell asleep thanks to Sonaj and the next morning I felt fine again. I probably got sick because of the stress and jet lag.

21 June - Day 2

Waking up not feeling sick anymore made me happy but I was still very weak and Sonaj was really tired after a mostly sleepless night. Sonaj got me breakfast in bed and we stayed in our room most of the day. Sonaj said we should take a walk so we went to the nearest grocery store and bought some pasta and pizza at a nearby restaurant. There I learned how to give tips with a credit card and that you can basically take out food at almost every restaurant which I found very cool. We ate our food on the 12th floor of our hotel where there was a roof terrace with a lot of place to sit and relax. After that we just stayed in our room to rest. We also started watching a movie called Dark Shadows, it took us 3 evenings to finally finish the movie because I mostly felt really sleepy.

Our breakfast. If we had breakfast in our hotel it would mostly look like this.

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Sonaj's pizza with duck.

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My pasta with lamb.

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The terrace.

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Read more about our trip in the following posts!
Introduction (+ Hotel pictures)
Days 1-2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Our week