Monday 1 July 2013

New York: Day 6

25 June - Day 6

Day 6 was Brooklyn day. Before we took the Subway to Brooklyn we first bought some street food (what did we eat there Sonaj? You ordered my food so I'm not sure!) at Union Square park and bought a Very Berry Hibiscus Starbucks Refresher, which is basically a sort of water-ish berry juice. It's REALLY good. After we ate we took the subway all the way to Brooklyn and then took an air train to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. As soon as we came above ground we smelled flowers in the air. It was a really hot day but I really wanted to see the flowers so we slowly waked to the entrance.
Normally you have to pay to enter but the security guy at the entrance said it was free today. Ok, nice! We entered and walked  through the explore garden for a bit where you had to touch and smell the plants (which Sonaj was very good at). Then we walked to one of the buildings and walked through 3 conservatories. One had all different kinds of cactus, one was a rain forest one and the third one was just 'warm weather' plants. Then we walked to a fourth conservatory which had bonsai trees, they were really cool. It was really warm in each of them but it was actually not that much warmer than outside the conservatories since it was such a warm day already


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Banana plant.

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Pink flowers.

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Yellow flowers.

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We left the building and passed some more touch-smell flowers and arrived at the Japanese garden. It was really nice there. There were a lot koi fish in the pond and we also saw some turtles. We walked around the pond and continued to some lawn with trees who probably look pretty in Spring. We took a break there under the trees and then walked through the rose garden. I didn't know there existed so many different roses! Meanwhile the weather changed, there was some wind and clouds. We left the rose garden and walked through some forest-like area. When we were there it started to rain for a really short time. It made the air fresher and colder, which was a good thing.

Black flowers.

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Japanese garden.

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Koi Fish.

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Search the turtle!

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Purple flower.

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Sonaj ruining my picture.

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Rose garden.

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We left the Botanic garden and passed by the Brooklyn museum. There were some ice cream stands and Sonaj bought a really good ice cream for us. We ate it near the museum entrance and then walked to the Brooklyn library. We took some pictures of the building and of the nearby arch and then searched our way to the nearest subway. We walked through a small park where there was a fountain and found the subway. We stopped near Brooklyn bridge and walked under it, to a pizzeria! In the pizzeria you could decide what you wanted on your pizza and you payed for the amount of things you wanted on it. We made one with mushrooms, onion, Italian sausages and ricotta cheese. After our dinner we walked on Brooklyn bridge.

Brooklyn museum

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Ice cream.

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Brooklyn library.

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Street in Brooklyn.

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The sun was kind of setting so it looked really nice. We followed the whole bridge and arrived back in Manhattan. There was a Wafels & Dinges stand there so we ordered 2 waffles to take to our hotel. After that we went back to our hotel.

Brooklyn bridge.

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Statue of Liberty in the distance.

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Read more about our trip in the following posts!
Introduction (+ Hotel pictures)
Days 1-2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Our week