Tuesday 6 November 2012

The Boxxxxxx and some pictures

After a lot of talks about candies and cookies with Gabriella we decided half September to send each other a box with our favourite candies, cookies and chocolate. I decided to add a little present for her too. It took us till last Wednesday to actually finish our boxes and send it (we're the slowest mail-team ever). This Monday we received our boxes already!

Gabriella's dog seemed very interested.


Gabriella's box is like twice the size of mine (she couldn't find a smaller one) so she filled it with a lot of things. I've tasted some chocolates already and some candy and one bag of chips. It's all so great! And I'm going to paste stickers on people's nose. The green badge means 'friend' in Swedish. There was also a small letter with a funny story.

Anyway, it was really fun to do (and eat)! We got such great ideas.


I made this little Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) doll for Gabriella. I tried to make a smaller version of my NeocroHero doll. I'm not completely happy with it (coat is a bit wrong, the top too and the pants are weird and I broke his braid and...) but I guess it's alright for a first try.




I started playing Wordfeud with Gabriella. She's really good at it. She started a Swedish game per accident and I accepted it. Then we started an English game and then a Dutch one. She's winning all three of them. Yes, even the Dutch one...


We're still sending pictures to each other of random things. Here I was having dinner...


While Gabriella was having her kind of dinner!


Nice sun pictures.



Street pictures.



On the day I send Gabriella her box I went shopping with my mother. I had this delicious hamburger for lunch.


In the afternoon we went to a small tearoom. It was really cozy. We ordered this chocolates and cookies too.


This was my tea bag. It looked so cute.


I finally finished reading the 5th (well basically the 6th) book of 'A song of ice and fire'. Known as the 'Game of Thrones' books. I started reading them before I heard about the series. I can't wait till the next book will be published. Even after reading so much about the same characters I'm still not bored of them. They're truly amazing books.


Because of my iPhone I can finally take sharp pictures of my Mirai doll. Here she's holding one of the birds Aladdin send me for my birthday.


And to finish this post... Cat pictures!

Today I serve you a can of Schweppes with a cat.


Her fur fits so well with this season, she really has this warm autumn colours.


Tipi protecting (or stealing) my iPhone.


Grumpy Tipi.


Tipi at the small window in my bedroom.
