Sunday 30 January 2011

Fourth guild event

Yesterday we started our fourth guild event! Like last week, not a lot people were present (where were you guys???). Still, we were with enough to start. We'd play 'Simon says', it was Dino his idea. We tested things earlier that day and we had a good feeling about it. Still, Flyff doesn't have many possibilities. For the first time I was able to join myself though!

Dino started with his first command. It failed immediately, so we took a second start. Dino commanded us things like 'follow me', 'get me a pizza', ... Del didn't really get that he only had to do what Dino said if he said 'Dino says...', so Del had to be expelled everytime, which we gave up in the end.

We begged noobs for penya, swam in the river of Flaris, killed aggros, killed giants, blinked to Saint Morning (after almost everyone jumped into Mars Mines when I didn't say 'Lisa says...') and ended up in the Saint Morning arena. Then we already quit. It was a short event but for me, joining for the first time, it was really fun. I hope the others enjoyed it too!





Screenshot from a few days ago, the 3 Hiphop 'boys'. Note, two of them are girls.


And! We have a guildhouse! We're not doing anything with it but, we do have one!
