Friday 12 August 2011

Our Baruna weapons

Me and Dino hunted the Khan in the Colosseum for Tokens. With 33.5k Tokens you can get a Baruna box. There's a high chance of getting a Baruna weapon then. After hunting like7 hours over 4 days we got 2 boxes! (Dino hunted a bit without me too). The first one contained a Yoyo. Dino traded it for a Knuckle called Maw of Judgment (isn't it supposed to be judgement...?). It gives 33% HP, 25% Defence and 20% Ranged block. For the second box we really wished for an Axe or a Sword for me. Well we would already been happy with any kind of Baruna weapon (since it doesn't always give you one). We were really happy and lucky that it contained a Slayer Axe! It's called Butcher's Carnage. It gives 35% Aspeed, 35% Hit and 35% Attack. I'm really happy with it!

Here some screenshots. We'll probably hunt for a third box.




