Thursday 28 October 2010

Who are we? RekuZ, Nico, and Alex.


Me: Hello there!
RekuZ: Hello.
Me: First question, what's your real name?
RekuZ: Matic.
Me: How old are you Matic?
RekuZ: 16.
Me: Where do you live?
RekuZ: Slovenia.
Me: Is it good living there?
RekuZ: Of course.
Me: What languages do you speak?
RekuZ: Slovene, English.
Me: What are your hobbies?
RekuZ: Football.
Me: Soccer or American football?
RekuZ: Soccer
Me: Do you have pets?
RekuZ: Hamster.
Me: What's it named?
RekuZ: Oskar, it's my sister's.
Me: Oh, ok! If you could go on holidays to any place on the world, where would you want to go to?
RekuZ: Hmmm... Maybe Caribbean islands.
Me: Why there?
RekuZ: Cause people say, the weather is nice there.
Me: Haha okay, what's the name if your main character?
RekuZ: RekuZ
Me: What class is it?
RekuZ: Jester.
Me: Bow or Yoyo?
RekuZ: Bow at the moment.
Me: Is that your favorite class?
RekuZ: Yes.
Me: Why is that?
RekuZ: Cause it looks nice, with yoyos
Me: Ok, um. How long are you playing Flyff already?
RekuZ: Amm, 4 years.
Me: That's pretty long
RekuZ: Yes, I played in Lawolf first. then I moved here.
Me: Ok. What's your favorite monster?
RekuZ: Amm. Clockworks? I don't know.
Me: Last question, try to describe yourself. One word is enough.
RekuZ: Nice guy? Lol. That's all?
Me: Yes, thank you very much.


Me: Hi Nico, Ready for this exiting interview?
Nico: Yep, fire away. Ow I hope you don't take over my spelling mistakes.
Me: I will, lol. Soo, what's your real name Nico?
Nico: As most people know, my real name is Nico.
Me: What's your main character?
Nico: My 2 main characters are NyKo and MasterBlaster01. I prefer NyKo to play on because I can do multiple things with him.
Me: Multiple things like?
Nico: I farm with him in wilds, do Clockworks sometimes. Between Wilds I do little giant hunting and fun to hang around in arena with him. All of that is possible thanks to my permanent partner Nati.
Me: Hehe, okay. What's your favorite class?
Nico: Blade and Ringmaster.
Me: And if you had to pick one of them?
Nico: Blade.
Me: How long are you playing Flyff already?
Nico: I joined: Friday August 29, 2008. 5pm. I hope it's exact enough.
Me: Yeah, kinda. What's your favorite monster?
Nico, I think that's Clockworks for now. I always have fun killing him.
Me: Now about the real Nico.
Nico: I've been around for a couple of years.
Me: Where do you live?
Nico: I live in a small town about 30 minutes away from Amsterdam in Holland.
Me: What languages do you speak?
Nico: Dutch, English and a little bit French.
Me: What are your hobbies?
Nico: PC games, model airplane/helicopter and my dog.
Me: Next question is, do you have pets, but it seems like you got a dog.
Nico: I have one doberman (dog), and 2 kitties.
Me: What are their names?
Nico: Doggy called Zoe and kitties are Roxie and Pebbles.
Me: If you could go on holidays to any place of the world, where would you want to go to?
Nico: Canada, that's such a great country.
Me: I heard you wanted to go to Egypt?
Nico: Hehe I've been there couple years ago, very impressive there with the pyramids.
Me: Last question. How would you describe yourself? One word is enough.
Nico: Pro sleeper.
me: Thank you very much for your time.
Nico: You're welcome Lisa, was fun to do.


Me: Hi Alex.
Alex: Hi Lisa.
Me: What's your name Alex?
Alex: My name is Aleks.
Me: What's your main character called?
Alex: AlexNL. Normally I play with the name AleksNL, yet I've made a mistake by deleting a former character, and therefor I could not use that name anymore. So, I changed it into AlexNL.
Me: What class is AlexNL?
Alex: AlexNL is a 111 full STA Knight.
Me: Is Knight your favorite class?
Alex: I've had a lot of characters in this game so far, but I've never had a Knight and Ranger... Starting on this server cluster with a real life friend, I choose for a Knight. (Wait I'm not done yet.) I couldn't imagine before that leveling up a Knight was that easy... I went to 88 really fast, and during a 2x exp event I leveled up to 105... After that it was still good exp, just because AoEing a lot of monsters is great. I cannot say that Knight is my favorite class, although I can say that this character is the most fun character I've ever had so far. (Ok that was it.)
Me: Woah. Okay. How long are you playing Flyff already?
Alex: I've really got to stop typing big messages, sigh. I've started playing this game around V2 or V3... I played with some classmates. We all became addicted and kept on playing. Around V8 I stopped playing. They took all the fun parts of the game... They gave points to the skill system, they deleted the PK server (95% of the time I was on that server having fun!), they deleted lodelights, etc... The game was no fun for me anymore. Last summer I logged in to see what else has changed and to see how many people were still playing the game. As we all know, this game is highly addicted. And here we are... 4 months later. Next question!
Me: Err... What's your favorite monster in game?
Alex: Bloodhound. The 124 bone-wolf. They look so dangerous.
Me: More about the real Alex. How old are you?
Alex: 21.
Me: Where do you live?
Alex: Holland (Europe).
Me: What languages do you speak?
Alex: Dutch and English.
Me: What are your hobbies?
Alex: Going out, be with friends, football and gaming.
Me: Do you have pets?
Alex: I got 3 cats and a dog.
Me: What are their names?
Alex: Mickey (the oldest), Minnie, Max and Midget the dog.
Me: All starting with an M! Is there a place in the world where you'd really like to go on holidays to?
Alex: South of Croatia.
Me: Why?
Alex: It's the country where my dad comes from. Also the south is more beautiful than the North.
Me: Last question, try to describe yourself. One word is enough.
Alex: Describe myself in one word... Pff that's a hard question.
Me: More is ok too. Just, one word is already enough.
Alex: Stubborn and compassionate.
Me: Ok. Thank you very much for your time.
Alex: No problem at all... *Hopes there'll be a new interview soon.*