Wednesday 27 October 2010

Who are we? Nathy, SAKON and Seigrain.


Me: Hi Nathy, I'm going to ask you a few questions now. First of all, what's your name?

Nathy: Nathalie.
Me: Where do you live?
Nathy: In France.
Me: How old are you?
Nathy: 19
Me: What langauges can you speak Nath?
Nathy: French and English. I understand some Spanish words.
Me: Okay, what are your hobbies?
Nathy: Swimming pool, Flyff, drawing.
Me: Do you have pets at home?
Nathy: A cat.
Me: What's it named?
Nathy: Caline, but I'm used to call her croulouche, lol.
Me: Why?
Nathy: Cause she only thinks about eating.
Me: If you could go on holidays to any place in the world, where would you go to?
Nathy: Hmm... Australia, Greece, Kenya, Italy, Canada... Well... Japan.
Me: Why all those countries?
Nathy: Well... Kenya for wild animals. Japan for Sushi. Italy and Greece for arts and architecture.
Me: And Canada and Australia?
Nathy: To see different landscapes.
Me: Now about Flyff. What's the name if your main character.
Nathy: WhySoEvil and XxDarkSunxX
Me: How long do you play Flyff already?
Nathy: 3 years, you?
Me: Um, I started in January 2008, almost 3 years too then.
Nathy: Assist.
Me: Why is that?
Nathy: Cause they're autonomic... Buff themselves and fighters.
Me: Why do you say assist then and not Billposter?
Nathy: I'm talking about Ringmasters too. I love all Ringmasters and Billposters.
Me: Haha okay, fine then. What's your favorite monster?
Nathy: Giants!
Me: What giant?
Nathy: All... They drop sweet stuff so...
Me: Pick one!
Nathy: Arg. Meteo then!
Me: Ok, how would you describe yourself? One word is enough.
Nathy: Lol? Tenacious!
Me: Awesome answer. Thank you very much for this interesting conversation.
Nathy: Your turn!
Me: ?
Nathy: One word to describe yourself?
Me: I wouldn't know.
Nathy: That's unfair!
Me: Haha, it's not! I just never thought about it.
Nathy: Active friendly! Awesome friendly?
Me: Yabai! (Japanese for awesome)


Me: Hai!
SAKON: Haiii.
Me: Soo, Sakon. What's your real name?
SAKON: Andy.
Me: What's the name if your main character on Flyff?
SAKON: This is my only main, SAKON.
Me: What class is it?
SAKON: Blade, yeaa!
Me: Is that your favorite class?
Me: What's your favorite monster in game?
SAKON: Maid Cardpuppet.
Me: Why is that?
SAKON: Because it's soo cute and scary at the same time.
Me: Haha okay, how long are you playing Flyff already?
SAKON: Nearly 2 years!
Me: Now, more about yourself. How old are you?
SAKON: Very young, I am 19.
Me: I'm 19 too, lol. Where do you live?
SAKON: Australia! Yah with the kangaroos.
Me: Jealous, lol.
SAKON: Hehehe.
Me: What languages do you speak?
SAKON: English and Chinese.
Me: Wow, can you also read Chinese?
SAKON: Yah, and write too!
Me: Awesome! What are your hobbies?
SAKON: Gaming, basketball, table tennis and drawing.
Me: Are you a good drawer?
SAKON: Pretty noob.
Me: Noobs can draw good too. Do you have pets?
SAKON: Umm, nope. Cause my dad doesn't like pets.
Me: Aww. What's your favorite holidays destination?
SAKON: Haven't been on holidays for a long time, so yeah... I don't know.
Me: What if you could pick any place, where would you go to?
SAKON: Japan for sure! Or Egypt, hehe.
Me: Try to describe yourself, one word is enough.
SAKON: Asian.
Me: Thank you very much for your time.
SAKON: You're welcome!


Me: Let's get started.
Seigrain: Yay.
Me: What's your real name?
Seigrain: Ricardo. Do you want the whole name?
Me: No, no. This is fine.
Seigrain: Oh my God. This is awesome!
Me: What is?
Seigrain: I'm being interviewed.
Me: yeah, how old are you?
Seigrain: 18, yes I'm legal.
Me: Where are you from?
Seigrain: Bahamas. Well, Trinidad at the moment.
Me: Wow, is it fun living there?
Seigrain: Not really.
Me: Why not?
Seigrain: Crime. Ah. Well it's not bad here... It's just not great. And the rain refuses to fall when I want it to. Yay, next question.
Me: What languages do you speak?
Seigrain: English, Spanish, some French, Arabic and Hindustani.
Me: Wow, many.
Seigrain: Oh my God this is fun.
Me: What are your hobbies?
Seigrain: Erm. Playing games isn't a hobby, right? Well I badminton, cricket and tennis.
Me: Do you have pets?
Seigrain: Yes I do. I have 5 dogs, a parrot and like 20 birds, and one fish.
Me: Lonely fish.
Seigrain: Yeah I forgot to feed them and they ate each other. Survival of the fittest.
Me: If you could go on holidays to any place on the world, where would you want to go to?
Seigrain: Hmm, I don't know. Netherlands, cause then I could meet you.
Me: I'm Belgian!
Seigrain: Oh. Yes well, erm, there or France.
Me: Okay. Now about Flyff. What's the name of your main?
Seigrain: Erm, Seigrain. Yup.
Me: What class is it?
Seigrain: ... Blowjob. I mean BowJester.
Me: Hehe. Is that your favorite class?
Seigrain: Blades.
Me: Why?
Seigrain: Actually, no. I love ringmasters. Cause you can be a bitch to anyone and they still love you. Except Clarity. We generally dislike her.
Me: I still don't know why. Anyway. What's your favorite monster ingame?
Seigrain: Erm. Mocomochis.
Me: Okay. Oh, how long do you play Flyff already?
Seigrain: Well I played for the first time like 3 years ago, but I quit after a few weeks. I started fresh about 6 or 7 weeks ago? Say two months.
Me: Okay. Last question. Try to describe yourself. One word is enough.
Seigrain: Hmm, never been asked that. Lucky.
Me: Okay, thanks for this conversation!
Seigrain: Interview.