Saturday 21 April 2012

Papercraft: Update!

I started to make a new papercraft... What will it be???

First of all I decided to show you the tools I use for papercrafting.

- A pot to put my glue in so the glue doesn't leak out of the tube.
- A potato knife to make fold lines
- UHU Power glue. Most papercafters use different glue but I'm used to this glue now...
- Small scissors. I know that mostly you see people using hobby knives but... Those things are so unhandy! Scissors are the best to cut out things. I only use a sharp hobby knife when there are parts I can't reach with my scissors. Well, I lost that knife now...
- Saté-sticks. I use those to spread out my glue on the paper so I don't have to be afraid to use too much glue (then it gets all sticky and ugly). I can also reach parts with it I wouldn't be able to reach with the tube itself.
- A black Marker. I use this marker sometimes when I work with black pieces. It happens that you see white parts of the glue tabs. In dark areas I colour this white parts black so the papercraft looks smoother.
- A piece of cupboard to work on. It's good for if I spoil glue, if I use my knives and also to not lose the papercraft parts!


This is the first part of my papercraft. It's a small hand! This hand exists out of 32 pieces. Oh joy.


Extra pictures!

This picture is taking during one of my car driving lessons. Dad makes me drive on... very interesting roads!


The black cat is a neighbor cat. Tipi doesn't really like her a lot. Tipi started to hiss at her when she appeared at the window. The black cat, also an older one, wasn't afraid at all because there was a window between them. She just played around with Tipi.


My cat wants to be on LolzCatz. My brother got quite angry when he got home though. Haha.