Monday 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

A bit late but... Merry Christmas everyone!!!

I send some Christmas cards to a few people, but of course I couldn't send everyone one so I mailed this version to other people (most people don't seem to read their mail though...). To everyone I forgot (or who's e-mail I don't have), this is the web-version of post card.


I really hope that everyone had a nice Christmas. I wanted to put a few interviews about Christmas on my blog but I came a bit too late with the idea so I'll keep random interviews for later.

My Christmas was okay. I celebrated it this year (like last year) with my brother, my father, his girlfriend and her two daughters and me. We had again a nice Christmas tree. I threw, again, fake snow in it and some figures (I'll try to make my own Christmas decoration next year). This is our tree with presents and one of my cats. If you wonder why there are presents wrapped in newspaper paper... That's my brother. He just can't be bothered to actually pack it in nice paper. Well, at least he wrapped them!


This was the cat after opening all the presents. For once it WASN'T my idea to do this to the cat. Though, he didn't seem to mind. He just slept the whole Christmas party long between my brother and the culprit. The other cat (not Tipi, that's my other house...) slept sometimes on my lap and sometimes on the dining table during the Christmas party. Sleeping on the dining table is one of her new habits, which my father doesn't like at all.


I made this little cheese-snacks together with my father's girlfriend to eat with our pre-dinner drink. This is puffy pastry with cheese and some paprika powder. They might seem simple but they're very addicting. Especially when they come right out of the oven. Melted... warm... Cheese...


For dinner we had fondue. Dad used his awesome plates for this meal. Being crazy doesn't hurt (too) much.


After dinner we had pie and started opening our presents. It took way longer than expected. We only finished around 1AM... Dad bought, just like last year, lottery tickets. I won €10! Dad's girlfriend daughters won €10 and €5. The rest won nothing. (There was a chance winning €5000)


Besides the lottery ticket I got an apron with text: Dad will do the dishes. I got a fluffy sweater, a book (third book of a series), a USB Fan, portable speakers, some money, M&Ms, a candle (joke present...), a coupon for a book, a sewing box and another random pretty looking box.

It seems like my photo taking skills still didn't improve...



The next day there was the Christmas party with my father's family. In the later afternoon I went to my mother's house for the Christmas party with my mother's family. Mother's boyfriend's son picked me up at my father's house to take me to my mother's house. We had a little accident with the car so it took a bit before I arrived at my second family party. It wasn't such a bad accident at all (just a scratch) but it took quite some time.

Anyway, it were two nice days. But I think I'm going to keep it with one family party a day next year. Damn divorced parents...
