Saturday 31 December 2011


When I logged on Flyff two days ago, Joana asked me to join her and Pim. They were going to kill a boss in Euphresia. It took me a while to figure out where exactly the new dungeon was, but with some guiding of Joana I managed to find it.


The first thing I noticed reaching the island of the entrance was... butterflies! Yay! Butterflies! I ran a while after them, while Pim and Joana were preparing themselves to enter. They entered the dungeon and asked me to follow.



When I ran to the entrance I saw a creature awaiting me at the entrance. It looked pretty much like a Pokémon. I wanted to catch it but realized I ran out of pokéballs, which was probably a good thing because Pim and Joana were waiting on me.


Pim was our tank and started to tank the monsters. I wanted to show off that I became stronger too and tanked some monsters too. Pim mentioned then that they spam rooting. Yes, yes. They do.... Sigh.


When Pim gathered a whole bunch of monsters, Joana and Pim started to AoE. I equipped my weapons and joined their killing spree. When they died we continued running. I'm glad that Pim knew the way, because I would've get lost right away.




After a few more AoEs we reached a platform with a teleport. Pim told us to get in.


We reached a seperate room with a boss! Pim told us to not move and he prepared himself to tank the boss. When he was ready he ran out, me and Joana ran after him, and started to attack the boss. After a while I noticed it wasn't hitting Pim anymore but me! Lucky that I had some remantis with me. We survived the boss... but got no drops.





After that I decided to help Joana out in the Wilds, were we didn't get any drops either. (Just bring MP pots next time Joana, please?)

