Wednesday 20 July 2011

The big kicking


Yesterday me and Dino both realized we felt the same about the guild lately. We didn't enjoy it any more as much as we used to. To us it felt like we were strangers to most of the guild members while we used to know a lot about each guild member. After talking and discussing we decided to just get over with it and kick a lot of people.

First of all, we didn't kick people based on who we liked or not. We kicked people that were barely online, barely talked in guild chat and people that were just in the guild for the furniture. Some of the people that got kicked were really nice but were just not active as member of the group. Hereby my apologies for kicking them out. We just want to go back to a smaller guild with less people but with people we really know well. I think the ones that stayed understand what I mean and I hope we can continue growing as a guild.

We realized past months that we could become a big guild with a lot of people. We also realized that we were not made to siege and do big events. I just suck in organising events and I just don't care about the strength of people's characters. Because of that we are just not able to do any siege and achieve something. It's something we have to accept. With more guild members the pressure of doing things with everyone grew. Keeping my eyes on the guild all the time became more tiring to me too. It was just better for the guild, and for me, to go back to a smaller guild. I hope that everyone had/has a good time in TwilightDentifrice just like I did with everyone.

If someone wants a second chance you can always let me (or Dino) know. It's not like we want to create an 'elite group' out of Twilight Dentifrice where only 'chosen' people can join. We just want a peaceful, friendly guild. I hope everyone understands and that no one holds a grudge against us. Feel free to talk to me or Dino if you disagree with anything. We're open for such things.

Thank you everyone for the great times in the past, and hopefully in the present and future.

- The Awesome Guildleader of Twilight Dentifrice.
