Friday 11 May 2012


A month ago I finally got myself to order a Japanese figure. They come with extra attributes and can move their arms-legs etc.

I ordered 'Mirai'. She's a girl that Danny Choo designed. Danny Choo is... Someone who tries to let more people know about the Japanese culture. (Check out his website when you're interested) She doesn't play in any anime (yet).

So, after 20 days waiting, and another 10 days because it was stuck at the customs, I finally got her! She was finer than I could've imagined and all her parts can be moved. She came with an extra pair of hands (fists), a hand with a camera, a hand with a handkerchief, an extra (crying) face, a laptop and a mini of herself. I tried taking some pictures of her but it's hard. I had to pay a lot taxes but it was worth it.

So now she's standing on my desk all day. I'm really happy with her! I'll try to make more pictures later on. (AND BETTER ONES)




