Friday 1 June 2012

Some pictures

Here are some pictures I've wanted to post.

First picture... my chicken!
When I was making the clay figure and painting it this sweet chicken walked to me and sat aside me. Sometimes she would peck in my leg or hands but it doesn't hurt so I don't mind. It's actually cute. She's half blind so she can't really peck in something she wants to peck in (she always misses it). It gives hilarious situations but I also feel sorry for her. I'm not sure what's up with her but... it's quite strange that she just walks to me and sits aside me. It's a chicken after all... But I don't mind. She's super soft and sweet!


This is my cat. She's sick (or just old). She lost a lot of weight and has troubles with breathing. I hope she's not in pain and that she may live a lot longer. I've got this cat since I was 5-6 years old so... I'm going to miss her!



I finally made the cakes but the topping failed. They were good though!


My cats at my mother's house seem to like the little pillow seat in my bedroom. I woke up twice with a different cat on it. Lovely.



I crossed the river of my city with Dave to enjoy the nice weather. I took this picture of my city from that place. I loved the sight! (and the company)


My father caught this little mouse yesterday in our garden. She was very small. First she tried to jump away but she gave up on it rather quick. After that we could just hold her in our hands. There are a lot more pictures taken of her but I don't have them. After a few hours we released her again. Hopefully she found her mother back.

