Sunday 17 June 2012

Papercraft update and more pictures

Papercraft update and some other pictures! Hooray!

I forgot to post this -cough-. My apologies. This is the cap of my new papercraft so far (still have to add some borders). It's not attached to the head so it'll probably look different on the finished model.



We changed our router at dad's house (so I got fast internet again) and my brother said internet would be down for a while because of that (which wasn't true in the end) so I printed this one piece papercraft. It's a mouse but let's pretend it's a rat.
We got (or had) rats in the garden at dad's house. Dad tried to catch them with traps and poison but it didn't work out very well. In the end he caught 7 rats and one mouse. To 'cheer him' I made this rat papercraft for him. I'm still not sure if he's happy that I made it for him or if he's hurt by the fact I handed it over while saying 'finally a rat you can catch'. I'll probably never know. Haha, I love my father.



Mr Super Kind Awesome Dave (I only call him this now because he gave me this gift; joke joke <3) gave me this awesome present! He already told me he had a surprise for me but he wouldn't tell me what it was. Yesterday he gave me a cute paper bag with this CD inside. I'm so happy with it. Ludovico Einaudi is my Hero of the piano. I just adore his music. I can just close my eyes, listen to his music and enjoy. Anyway, thank you very much Dave.

(Interested in his music? Click here.)


Hey look a snail on our terrace. He left a nice track. And died after making it. True story.


I think my mother is so jealous with my skinny-ness that she tries to get my fat now. She keeps buying donuts for me and I can't stop eating them. Aargh!


To finish this blogpost I got this nice picture of my cat sleeping on a weird spot. No it's not a too small box, shoebox, banana box, laptop, laptop bag, scarf, bread basket, sweater, doormat,... this time but it's....

Yes! A pizza box!
