Friday 23 March 2012

Tower Siege Redemtion, smoothness

Err. I'm doing a great job on updating blog lately. I know. There just ain't much happening on Flyff now. If I logg I mostly chat with the guild Redemption and hang out with Roxas.

We did tower siege with Redemption. Twice already meanwhile... I totally forgot to post the screenshots on blog last week so I'll do it now.

This was our first Tower Siege. Jack tried his best to organize it and he did it really well. We had a good team including a Ringmaster (well.. Seraph). I joined with NeocroHero though my damage really fails now that I restated. I also forgot my jewelry so I doubt I was of much use. Jack made sure we didn't have to race against another guild so we had a better chance for victory. We did Flaris Tower Siege. Jack also made sure the best damage dealers had a party so they could link.

Anyway. We started killing the 100 monsters and rushed through the halls of the tower. When we reached the room of the mid-boss we realized we forgot one monster. Oops. Me, Jack and someone else ran back to look for it. It was close to the beginning of the tower so we had a long way to run. When I finally reached it, it was already killed by Jack and the other guy (forgot his name, I'm sorry!).


We appeared in the room of Asmodan. Controversy ran to it to tank it. We followed and started to kill it. We didn't have any troubles at all. No one died. Nyx got sometimes killed slow (they are so hard to target...) but that's all there is to say. Asmodan died faster than the Asmodan of the other Tower Siege. It barely took us 12 minutes (if I remember well). Victory!



Last week's Tower Siege went well too. Darkon Tower Siege this time. I got a bit jealous at MadeInUSA in the beginning. Since he was so long ranged he never got stunned by Asmodan while we did. Some of us got stun locked a few times and Nyx got killed late again sometimes but no one died. This Tower Siege took a bit longer than last time but it went fast enough. Another victory!



Some extra information. The money that Jack gets from Tower Siege will mostly go to new furniture. He will also use the money to pay the coming Tower Siege. When all furniture is bought the money will be stored in the guild warehouse. He's not sure yet what he'll use it for then.

An extra screenshot. Me at Burudengs. What I was doing there? ... Me and Tyler had a contest. We had to kill low level monsters to gather pieces of vagrant sets. The first one to get a complete set won. Roxas won. A noob that I met there was surprised the next day we talked. "You got level 75 in one day???"
