Sunday 6 February 2011

Fifth guild event

Before I start. I'm sorry. I don't have screenshots. I neither have much to tell. Like another time I wasn't really there. I'm sorry for that, I'll try to be more there for you guys when there's a guild event. Anyway, I'm thankful that Dino was there to lead everything.

Around 8PM (GMT+1) I went to our guild island. Some people where there already. We paid Dino for joining the games, we would play hide and seek. Dino hid himself in Saint Morning and we went searching. Son found him first, Chris second. Then we returned to our TDF island. Dino hid himself a second time in Saint Morning. This time Pro found him first, second Joanna. I hope you guys had fun! And again, sorry for not being there.

I don't have screenshots from the event but I do have some other screenshots! Here's a screenshot from Victor and Sabrina, who became a couple ingame. Congratulations...! (Yes, yes. I suck at being a priest, I know!)


Me and Jess pretended that the Arena became a swimming pool. Then I had to keep on jumping from Jess, who knows why, I took a few screenshots!




Later on the evening, yesterday, Son asked in guildchat if anyone would want to go to Wilds. Just for fun. I agreed, so did Dino. So we three went to Wilds. Dino said he'd run so... he did... and died... So they decided I would run. 'The woman'. We didn't get any drops but... Well, having Dino's speed stuff was fun! And it was fun to go with more than just two people. Maybe we could do it again?
