Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Typos and Quotes

I'm proud to announce that even though I panicked several times this weeks, I'm still the Typo Queen. Smoer is coming close second, being the Typo Princess. Aidan can keep wearing the Typo King crown and as newcomer we have to the Typo Prince, Saad.

 photo kucky_zps4c00c122.png

 photo lol_zps96dbb6c6.png

 photo hurt_zps9fa08bdf.png

 photo probably_zpsc31a0402.png

 photo noon_zps8b47f041.png

 photo noc_zps607ba335.png

 photo itis_zps0ccd5cfb.png

 photo doge_zps19c98cab.png

 photo focus_zps4590b3ae.png

 photo enjoy_zps524d8d56.png

 photo brainstorming_zps001d68b9.png

 photo death_zps59b870d9.png

 photo biling_zpsde510065.png

 photo bo_zps8ddcd1c5.png

 photo assy_zps6b6590ca.png

 photo applause_zps680afacb.png

 photo aer_zps27490c8e.png

(I just realized Stelios AND Smoer make a typo here, combo!)
 photo 405_zpsc8ad49a8.png

 photo whoa_zps33879edc.png

 photo teah_zpsb23fbb00.png

 photo type_zpsf048610c.png

 photo whereto_zpsfa28e767.png

 photo weamon_zpsc5ba9613.png

 photo yup_zps4ab4eac3.png

 photo splashed_zps4f8aad0c.png

 photo shony_zpsa1e05799.png

 photo stairs_zps5e3a41c8.png

 photo sull_zpseae3f2af.png

 photo now_zpsc8c0f684.png

 photo roud_zps227e65c2.png

 photo odd_zps8e57a69e.png

 photo prot_zps8f0248c6.png

 photo okay_zps8205d807.png

Smoer has a lot of difficulties typing the word 'Norn'. I put them all together because I'm so kind.

  photo borb_zps529aa62a.png

 photo borbo_zps42949438.png

 photo nons_zpse172c784.png

 photo norn_zps8689e353.png

 photo berb_zpsb7d88b3c.png

A few older phone typos and auto corrects.

 photo 2014-06-12140446_zpseca05c22.png

 photo 2014-05-09155352_zpsadc4728d.png

 photo 2014-03-13124943_zps3cd5f2d0.png

 photo 2014-03-13125250_zps8404e077.png

 photo 2014-05-24102405_zps629a9e07.png

And two dutch ones! I can't translate the first one though. Basically her auto correct turned candy into sweetheart or something!

 photo 2014-02-11164258_zpsdd1504a9.png

Me: Okay if centaurs are level 15 and me 12 then I shouldn't attack 5.
Smoer: Noo, I would attack max 20. (2***)

  photo centaurs_zpsa8ba83d4.png