Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Dinosaur God


The Dinosaur God looked down on the girl. She seemed lost in thoughts. The Dinosaur approached the girl and waited till the girl would notice him."Oh, hey." said the girl finally.

"You seem troubled." said the Dinosaur God. "I think I might be." said the girl. "Remember who you are." said the Dinosaur God. The girl lifted her shoulders. "That's what has been troubling me."

"Tell me, who you are." demanded the Dinosaur God. The girl sighted. "I am NeocroHero. I am leader of Twilight Dentifrice. I am a servant of the Dinosaur God. I am a true Hero" "Good." said the Dinosaur God.

The girl narrowed her eyes. "It's wrong." How is it wrong?" asked the Dinosaur God. The girl took a moment before she gave him a reply. "I don't lead Twilight Dentifrice anymore. Truth to be told, there is no Twilight Dentifrice anymore to lead. And I'm not NeocroHero anymore. No one calls me anymore by that name. It is gone."

The Dinosaur God shrugged. "Why would NeocroHero be gone? What makes you say that?" The girl looked nervously to the ground. "I lost Twilight Dentifrice. I betrayed and got betrayed by the people that  I loved. Others I lost through time. I am not NeocroHero anymore."

The Dinosaur God crossed his arms. "Not this people made NeocroHero. I made you, NeocroHero, and you made yourself. Now, answer me honestly. What makes you NeocroHero?" The girl looked up to the Dinosaur God. Finally realizing. "It's the way I think. The things I believe in. The goals I mean to achieve. That's what makes NeocroHero." The Dinosaur God nodded approving.

They sat aside each other. Both lost in thoughts now. Finally the Dinosaur God broke the silence. "Twilight Dentifrice isn't what makes you happy now. It might return, it might not. Who can tell..." The girl laughed. "You can tell, but I know you won't." Then her smile disappeared. "Even thought Twilight Dentifrice is nothing right now, it'll live inside me for ever." "Right." said the Dinosaur God. But the girl still had her doubts.

"I don't know who I am." said the girl. "I don't know what to call myself anymore. But I'll keep on searching, with you by my side."