Sunday 16 October 2011

Screenshot with a memory: Being awefuly mean

I decided to look through my Flyff screenshots and post screenshots that remember me of something (special) that happened. I started looking through the screenshots on my laptop and the first screenshot that reminded me of 'a story' was this one.


If you look to this screenshot you'll think: What kind of memory can be connected to this screenshot? I have to admit that the screenshot self doesn't make much sense but it reminded me of something funny (actually mean...) that happened.

I was hanging around in Saint Morning with MrChico (that's Jess, I think) and we met with a girl. I wasn't sure why we talked to her, or what happened, but I told her to follow me into the mountains of Saint Morning. There we sat down and I told her to wait. She was curious what she had to wait on, thought it was kind of boring but she stayed because I begged her to stay. Then MrChico appeared and pked her. I brought her into Saint Morning mountains to let her get pked by MrChico. Haha. Yes, quite mean. But it was quite funny too. A good memory? Yes.

Jess was a member of TwilightDentifrice where I often hang out with. She'd give me presents (my native hat is from her!) and talked a lot to me, but I never looked at her differently than other guild members. When she started to come online less I realized that she meant a lot to me. She quit Flyff after things happened in her real life. I miss her a lot and I hope she's doing well now. Jess, if you read this... Thanks for the great times that you gave me.