Friday, 28 October 2011

New drawings

I made some new drawings. Well I made more than one new one but this are the decent ones.

I've been trying to draw some chibi-figures lately. They're really easy to draw.



My Sam-chibi.







Sunday, 23 October 2011

Screenshot with a memory: Traseia in Saint Morning


Traseia monsters in Saint Morning? That must be an invasion!

I missed the invasion but I bumped into a lot Traseia monsters. As far as you could see there were Immovable Crags. So many monsters that you could kill them for hours! Kill... monsters... exp... Free Traseia monsters? I decided to start training there while everyone was chasing after the GMs. I called Sean (his class is leecher) and started to train. I can't remember how many exp I got there but I trained for hours on the monsters that the GMs spawned. I remember that a noob 'helped' me killing the monsters so he'd get a lot exp too. Tip of the day: if you're a poor Flyff player, wait on invasions and train on the monsters they spawn!

My days without Flyff: Day 19 - 26

Another week has passed.

I heard that TwilightDentifrice is not as active any more as it used to be, but it was already going worse with TDF before I left. It makes me wonder what TDF needs to keep on existing and I wonder if TDF can exist without me. I don't blame the less activeness of TDF to me leaving Flyff, I blame it on school and that people want to siege. But as proud leader I just wish secretly that they need me.

Some people quit too. Some people are just fine with it that I don't play any more. Some people just wish me to see around again. When Sabrina asked me when I'd come back to Flyff, because she misses me there, I said that we never talk to each other on Flyff any way. She replied that just seeing me around is enough. That kinda made me happy.

This week I haven't been much different things than past weeks. I've been papercrafting, practising guitar, playing Sims, chatting and surfing on the inter webs. I also baked cookies this week and I'm the proud owner of three new chickens. Friends on the street gave them to me because they're rebuilding their house. They're already 2 years old but they're race chickens so they should live longer than the chickens we usually get. I really wanted new chickens because we had only one chicken left (2 got murdered by a hedgehog and one died a few weeks later, suddenly). I thought that she must feel lonely, being the only chicken in our garden. As soon as I put the new chickens in their cage, our older chicken approached and 'joined' their group. They didn't fight and that made me kind of happy. I'm at my mother's now so I don't know how they're doing fine but as long as my father ain't sending me alarming messages I'm sure they're doing fine. I LOVE CHICKENS! (And Sam.)




(the dark brown chicken is the older one)

Anyway, one week and one more day to go to win my bet with Sam, then I'll be able to play Flyff again. I still don't know if I will, but that does mean free mangas for me!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Screenshot with a memory: Twilight Dentifrice movie


On this screenshot you can see... characters with no names. They are (I think) me, Dino, Joost (iHurt), and Lizzy (old TDF member). We are working on the TDF movie on this screenshot and I'm giving Lizzy her text. After my first Flyff break I started working on the TDF movie. It's a movie based on the TDF story ( I had a lot fun making it with everyone but it was sadly too hard to finish it. Making this few chapters of the movie gave me a lot of good times and fun memories.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Screenshot with a memory: At the beach


As you can see this screenshot is me and Dino at the beach at Reptillions. At this place, at that moment, I got to know Dino better and he me. We talked about ourselves and our life, it's there that I also realized the pureness and honesty of Dino. Thanks to talking to him I restarted TwilightDentifrice again after my short break (last year). I think you can say the friendship between me and Dino started here! A friendship I'll never forget.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Screenshot with a memory: Being awefuly mean

I decided to look through my Flyff screenshots and post screenshots that remember me of something (special) that happened. I started looking through the screenshots on my laptop and the first screenshot that reminded me of 'a story' was this one.


If you look to this screenshot you'll think: What kind of memory can be connected to this screenshot? I have to admit that the screenshot self doesn't make much sense but it reminded me of something funny (actually mean...) that happened.

I was hanging around in Saint Morning with MrChico (that's Jess, I think) and we met with a girl. I wasn't sure why we talked to her, or what happened, but I told her to follow me into the mountains of Saint Morning. There we sat down and I told her to wait. She was curious what she had to wait on, thought it was kind of boring but she stayed because I begged her to stay. Then MrChico appeared and pked her. I brought her into Saint Morning mountains to let her get pked by MrChico. Haha. Yes, quite mean. But it was quite funny too. A good memory? Yes.

Jess was a member of TwilightDentifrice where I often hang out with. She'd give me presents (my native hat is from her!) and talked a lot to me, but I never looked at her differently than other guild members. When she started to come online less I realized that she meant a lot to me. She quit Flyff after things happened in her real life. I miss her a lot and I hope she's doing well now. Jess, if you read this... Thanks for the great times that you gave me.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

My days without Flyff: Day 9 - 18

I'm surprised when I count 10 days between now and the last time I updated my blog. It's that Aladdin asked me yesterday night when I'd update the blog, else I would've updated even later. It's not that I forgot the blog but I just didn't think about updating it. Time to update!

We're 2 and a half weeks far now. That means we're halfway now to win my bet! But I'm not sure if I'll start playing Flyff again after this. It's good to take a break. The only thing that I don't like is that I don't get to chat with some TDFers any more (such as the Happy Kid, Joana, Rhia, ... those who I don't have on MSN). I also noticed that I talk less to the people that played Flyff together with me. We just don't know what to talk about now, I guess.

Past week I've been playing on my Xbox (Red Dead Redemtion is fun!), practising guitar and playing Sims. I had Sims downloaded on my computer but not on my laptop. I made João install Sims on my laptop. After that I messed it up by trying to install expansions and he had to install everything again (he doesn't want to hear the word Sims ever again). It works now but it's a little bugged in game, which is good because I play less long now!

I got the expansion 'Generations' which gives more activities for children mostly.




Friday was my birthday. We went out for dinner at evening. I got some money from my mother and loads of love from my father (he wrote a really cute note). I'll probably buy a TV for my Xbox with the money.

I made a sweater for my NeocroHero doll and made the necklace. I tried to make shoes but I can't find the right colour fabric to work with, as soon as I find grey fabric I'll make the shoes. I also didn't make the face yet, because I'm scared to mess it up.




After finished the hat of my papercraft earlier I started to make the shoes and legs. It looks kinda weird now but it'll look better as soon as I finish the body.


I don't have much more to say, sadly. Days are passing by, with or without Flyff... nothing much has changed in my life. Tipi pictures for the fans!



Wednesday, 5 October 2011

My days without Flyff: Day 4-8

I'm already past a week without Flyff, that's amazing!

So far I haven't even felt once the urge to start Flyff. I really don't mind that I don't play Flyff any more, though I still feel bad about not being together with my dear TDF. We've got this group on MSN where I added the guild members that I have on MSN. Chatting there is just like guild chat, sadly we just don't talk much in this MSN group chat.
When I told Sam that I was trying to quit he just laughed at me in my face. He said I'll never be able to quit for a whole month. (Brett gave me 3 weeks.) I said I could, and asked if he wanted to bet. He was still laughing and agreed. So now I got a bet running... If I manage to stay away from Flyff for a whole month he'll buy me mangas. If I lose... I'm screwed. I was so stupid to say that I'd do anything. So I have no choice to win this bet! Sorry, Flyffers. It's going to be quite hard to stay away from Flyff Friday, since it's my birthday then. That's why I'll just stay away from my PC the whole day this Friday. But I'm sure I'll feel quite sad that I won't go online to celebrate my birthday with TDF. Why didn't I quit after 7 October...?

From Sunday till Tuesday I've been working. When I came home and no one was online I was kinda lost. I didn't know what to do, that's why I started working on my new papercraft. I'll post pictures soon of my progress. It's a papercraft that Cassy (Asphy from the guild) picked for me. Today I joined my mother to her work (I didn't have to work anymore) and I've been shopping a little, after that I stayed for the rest of the day with my mother. Since my Xbox and my guitar are still at my father's house I knew I would've been bored if I stayed home. I worked on my stuffed doll and managed to finish most of it. It's a stuffed doll based on my Flyff character NeocroHero. It has the hip-hop set on! I just have to make shoes, necklace and finish the face. Then I'll be done. And yes, I've been willing to make this before I quitted Flyff.
When I was back home I chatted a little but didn't really know what to do since I didn't want to work on my papercraft (my hands are tired from the sewing all day!). So now I'm writing a blog post.


Bought a new Xbox game so I can play it Co-op with Guy (old guild member) and a new manga.


It's going to take 4 more weeks without Flyff to win my bet with Sam. Why is this such a long month...