For both Smoer's and Gabriella's birthday I gave a gem card as present. Gab's gem card was hidden in a box filled with chocolates and for Smoer's I made this small Black Lion chest.
'Old' summer pictures. My chickens love to sunbath. They turn into dorks when they find a nice spot though. Here my clumsy gigantic grey chicken tries to lie down. She usually lies down on the other chickens for some reason, which they hate because they're half the size and like a third the weight of the big one...
Small egg is from one of our normal chickens, big from our big grey one.
When I was home alone and the chickens were out of their cage they loved to sit at the window. They never walked inside though.
Quick drawing I made.
I got a new bed! My first double bed! With big blanket! It's awesome!
We got a really good ice cream vendor in our town. Me and Smoer go get a cone sometimes.
I started with school a few weeks back and I have to get up pretty early. It's not completely dark yet when I go out so I get nice sunrises and foggy roads.
And meanwhile Gabriella catches scary spiders and takes pictures of them.