6666 achievement points!
I've been gathering a lot of skins lately to get the 'Fashion Collector' title. Sadly you can't get this skin anymore...
Darellius, my Norn Guardian, has the best combination! He wears a chef set, holds a frying pan, has a barbecue as backpack and gets followed by a mini piglet. With the frying pan you can summon this guy, a Charr sous chef!
My leopard transform bugged in the air.
Trying to get a WvW spoon.
Waiting for Tequatl.
Tiny Leasandro.
Moa chick. Strange things.
Smoer named her pig 'Roast Pig' for the occasion. Haha. (I feel like I should type Muriel instead of Smoer but that's really scary...)
Smoer being cute.
Me and Smoer are scary sometimes...
And Smoer changed the appearance of her mesmer. She looks much different now but it's kinda cute.
Cool guy I ran into while exploring Orr.
My birthday gift from Gabriella! It's a mysterious tonic that changed me into all kinds of trees and a big chocolate cake.
New item from the gem store, a flying carpet!
Gabriella also has the tree tonic and a furniture tonic so we've been playing around with that.
Tabor came to watch and didn't really get what we were doing. Here I'm holding a balloon! (I also got a birthday gift from Tabor in game, thank you!)
Gabriella as a statue.
The flower lamp was really difficult to get with the furniture tonic. Gabriella tried for like half an hour to become one.
After which she used the cat tonic and turned into a tiger (which is also rare to get) first try...
Enemy tree!
There's an area at the WvW jump puzzle that can be used for guild duels. It looks pretty cool.
Baby Hylek.
And I bought the monkey king transform! It's really fun to do jump puzzles with.
In the series of 'things you can do with the tree transform' I present you: You can jump (sometimes) with a tree. You can (sometimes) turn around with a tree. You can become a tiny plant or a really tall tree. And you can be an underwater tree.
You can also be a teleporting tree.
Or you can create a peaceful scenery!
Tabor wanted to join us in WvW but realized he's from another server. But it turned out that he was one of the servers fighting against ours! We met up and tried to not kill each other.
Bought a new bow skin for my Ranger.
Apparently there's a back door to the really big centaur camp in Harathi Hinterlands.
Killing a champ with some random cool people.
And killing a Champion Karka with Aidan, because we can.
Me and Aidan's Elementalist. Aww.
Here are some screenshots from Aidan, Gabriella and Smoer that I might have posted already but I'm not sure.
From Gabriella: Getting exploded during key farming.
From Smoer: Weirdest bug ever. She had a big laser on her for quite a long time.
From Aidan: Some older screenshots from me and Aidan after Tequatl.