Screenshot from Gab. Looks great! (Aidan's book)
My Hyenas fighting invisible stuff.
Gabriella and Smoer don't like it when I talk about my amount of wardrobe charges...
Tiny cute fox mini!
Ready for Aetherblades. They called me a walking wikipedia.
Smoer and tiny me under a frame of a... pork leg?
I'd ride this panda into battle if I could.
One Tequatl me and Smoer tried to target a guy that looked like me. It took us the whole Tequatl run to find him. When we finally found him it turned out he didn't look that much like me after all.
My Necromancer, Tomo Hiro. Sometimes his attacks get stuck.
Food fight in Arah because... we can!
First time Lupi alone... We were talking way too much, haha.
We killed him! We took a break after Lupi. Shere Khan and my panda became friends meanwhile.
The boss fight was very... interesting. But we made it! Congratulations guys!
Agnes took me to a worldboss.
Carrying unconscious skritt around.
Another attack got stuck on my Necro. Looks like he's an old man.
Cuties at Tequatl.
I liked this guy, not sure why.
I liked how we were all so spread out on this screenshot (and not stacking!).
Saw myself being busy watching a video... Ehm... Yeah I crashed after this.
Cool Norn.
A story mission with Tomo. Pretty cool house.
Watching Tequatl from afar.
A boar in a pub.
Cute puppy.
We got a big update with some big changes. There are collector achievements now (including spoon collector, haha, I already had 3 of the collection). There are also new backpacks, different ones for every craft. Here are two examples.
We probably got kicked by that centaur.
Commander tags are now account bound and not character bound. This causes loads of people to tag up for some events.
Friendly reminder we love lava swimming.
The times I manage to jump over the lasers I die at the last one. Why!
Half a look alike.
An event turned me into... Yeah...
Order of Whispers story. For some reason my pirate costume was pink.
Fractals with Arr.
The best thing about Necromancer elite skill is that you can dance and such with it.
Me and Gab exploding things.
Me and Smoer dancing.
I finally bought the chef's outfit. I love it!
Some icebrood wolf managed to get under the ground.
Cool sword.
Bugged Gab.
Chef's outfit on Tomo.
I love this quest.
For Sparta?
Coolest mini I've ever seen.
Classy Tomo with rather cool looking Thief.
Waiting for Tequatl.
Exploring Orr.
Aside from TDF me and Smoer also use DF as storage guild. Because I've been trying to farm foxfire clusters I've managed to gather quite some wood.
Tomo's level 80 set without skins (I managed to level Tomo to 80 in 3 weeks!).
'Team' players.