Yesterday, after showing Clockworks to DaveBP, I felt like killing one of the Dradpets. Dradpets are monster hidden in a special place. There are 3 of them. The first one is level 25, Big Muscle. The second one is Krrr, level 35 and the third one is Mushmoot, level 45. Almost everyone forgot about those monster, altough they're really fun to kill with friends. They have special attacks like stun, teleport, ... If you go to the post 'Why do all good things come to an end' you can read about me killing the Big Muscle together with Roy and David. This time I went killing the 'Krrr' together with SnowLight.
After entering we had to kill a few 'Hammer kicks'. They were level 30 and easy to kill. Then the boss appeared. I died almost at the end cause I was eating pie, but Snow managed to finish him off. It dropped an acrobat suit. (Yeey!)
If you want to do one of this quests too: Logg on a lv 20-49 character, go to the drunk guy in Flaris across the Make Up Artist. Take the quest. Do the quest (check wikipedia). Go to one of the Dradpet guys. (There's one near collecting arena, one in Madren town and one at Bangs.)