I've been having some weird bugs lately. Once when I logged on Flyff all plants were gone. I flied over Flaris and Saint Morning and managed to take some scary screenshots. When I tried blinking to Darken, I disconnected. When I came back, all plants were back too. Scary bugg!
Flaris looks weird today...
Wait... Wasn't it full with trees and plants here? This looks like a desert!
Trees, where are you?
Flaris never has been this scary before.
Great, bridge gone.
I think a tree-eater passed by.
No trees in Saint Morning either...
Saint Morning doesn't look that pretty without the trees and plants around.
Even that huge tree is gone!
Pumkin town misses fences.
Then, when I was entering the Wilds, I dc'd. When I re-logged I seemed to be transported to a freaky blue place. Relogging again didn't work.