We flew to Schaduwar, crossed it and arrived in Valley of the Risen. After seeing the first monster I landed and asked Sven for buffs. Robin told me to watch out but I had my Blain on so I wasn't scared. When I started to attack it I got surprised by it's high HP and block rate. I leveled immediately after killing it.
We continued trough Valley and discovered loads of strong and cool monsters. When Robin saw a Risen Mage (level 124) he was curious if it did magician spells. I offered myself up to check it out. I sneaked it and ran to it. And indeed, it did some fire-magic-thing on me. Then I tried to kill it, it was 'only' two levels higher than me after all. It was a rather bad idea, the Mage hit me 12k. Lucky I had my Blain on and survived the hit. I could kill it too. When we continued we saw [General] Razgul.
When we flew more to the north we found the gate to the new Hero dungeon. After that we saw nothing exiting anymore and we returned to Darken.
Robin was curious if a Hero on 99.99% could level by killing an aibatt. I went on SouleaterEl his char and tried, but he didn't level. After that we flied to Bangs. After killing the giant, together, SouleaterEl leveled. Lol.
Later in the afternoon I started to train with Hero. I managed to get 6.65% in a few hours. The exp lies very low but my kill speed is pretty cool. When Dion was leeching he viewed me and noticed my LGA was clean on his screen. We just discovered the first V15 bug! While training Dion and people in the party started to complain about the 'penalty'. If you talk too fast or too much in a certain time (in general or shout), you get a penalty of a few minutes. Sucks. Dion made the record of logging 1min on Flyff V15 for the first time and having a penalty already.
All by all I think V15 isn't thàt bad. I think everyone noticed it's mostly for rich and powerful people again but we're used to that by now. I definitely want a buff pet, although it may not be that really useful, but it's a nice extra. The re spawning of pets is also awesome. I leveled only a few hours already and I looove it. I don't know if you tried to level on a place where someone doesn't use a CS pet before but trust me, it sucks T_T. Now it's no problem anymore. I think the master and pupil system is good for new players. I'm glad they finally thought about new players too.