Wednesday 14 April 2010

A new chapter.

Thinking about my old guild I started to make a movie from a story I once wrote about my guild. Dion and his best friend Joost (iHurt) wanted to help me right away. Others like Lizzy, Calle, Johan, Sven and Martin helped me out too sometimes. I enjoyed making the movie.


When a black wings event arrived I decided to buy a pair. Happy with my new wings I flied around Madrigal. Wings feel so much better than that Ignice board. Robin was more lucky than me, he found a pair of wings. In another event there was a really small chance of finding a Four Leaf Clover. If you gave that clover to some npc dude you'd get a St Patrick Day Cloak. It gives 5% decreasing of magic motion, 5% critrate and 15% speed. I never tought I could find one and I was amazed by everyone who found one. Martin found one pretty fast, he said he found it in the first monster he killed. I was happy that I could use his cloak when I was plvling. Martin was making a YJ so he asked me to plv him sometimes. Once I really didn't want to plv him but Martin really wanted some exp. I told him we'd level until I reached a certain amount of exp. I was surprised when I found a Four Leaf Clover.



Between training sessions I hang around with Dion and Robin and CWed with Dion, or with MrBored when Dion had no time. Altough he died almost every CW <_<.>





On 28 March at 4pm (GMT +1) I reached my 99.99%. Waiting on V15 I spend my time stalking training friends, ghunting or hanging around with crazy people. I also started to train Gambol again.








While CWing with Dion I decided, with support of Dion, to restart TDF again. He'd definately join, together with MrBored. On 10 April I joined TDF again, together with MrBored, DutchD, FentzY and Calle. I hope more people will join soon.
