Most funny bug 'invisible swords'.
I was leeching from smoer at Mushpoie when I noticed that my swords were invisible.
Most weird bug 'Pink Luia'.
When I ran trough Darken I ran into this weird Luia.
Best memories 'Twilight Dentifrice'.
The evening before I got hacked was one of the most precious evenings with my guild. Robin made this screenshot and I really like it.
Most funny screenshots.
What do I have to say more? =D
'How do you lie down?'
Damn David.
Some kid at giggleboxes put this on the ground. It was actualy a little funny.
Best arena screenshot 'Deadart'.
Dieing can in style too!
Best Clockworks screenshots.
'Emo Clockworks'
After the Clockworks fighters died, the Clockworks ran to a corner. Poor Clockworks.
'Annoying fly'
I took this screenshot during an invasion. To me it looks like the on on the board is like an annoying fly to the Clockworks. It's my most favorite Clockworks screenshot.
Coolest move 'Boxing'.
I just like this screenshot, the way I stand there.