Thursday, 24 September 2015

Typos and quotes

Now including ESO typos!

 photo tits_zps8xr7i2ls.png

 photo time_zpso5qnums1.png

 photo raddy_zpsa8scq5gq.png

 photo kome_zpst1aa33jy.png

Erik's name for me on Skype...
 photo nickname_zpsr7jb4so1.png

(Thanks to the new Skype update it doesn't show names anymore, I'm left on this screenshot and Gabriella is right)

 photo pixem_zpsfmqvijii.png

 photo por_zpsuobjhyzm.png

 photo live_zpssl7zahbk.png

 photo hoveling_zps4ow4jgxi.png

 photo his_zpsjatnlak8.png

(Me right, Gabriella left)
 photo good d_zpsbaxtcwqy.png

(João left, me right)

 photo helly_zpske2m01bc.png

 photo fires_zpsmx4obwub.png

(Yannick left, me right)
 photo fag_zpswzkmxuni.png

Me and Gabriella kept trying to beat each other to turn the rain off on Minecraft. This one time we got really close. I checked the server log to see we turned it off on the exact same second, but I beat her anyway. Haha.

 photo downfall_zpsbip6sbc5.png

(Gabriella left, me right)
 photo doog_zpsubhdtnd7.png

 photo dine_zpsgvosropz.png

 photo dork_zpsmf5eqwdf.png

 photo cheese_zpsnmnsospk.png

 photo creepers_zpsogfobxpf.png

 photo bamboo_zpszzvhw3lk.png

 photo byr_zps0mmcbxqk.png

 photo art_zpseznouqkk.png

 photo 2015-08-03 11.47.10_zpsb9ppqwmb.png

 photo 2015-08-30 12.32.41_zpshjgz6blq.png

 photo urn_zpszd7bm3qw.png

 photo took_zpsahhvvmui.png

 photo weel_zps0o4ige2z.png

 photo unday_zpsjrilsja7.png

 photo 2015-07-21 00.29.42_zpsxt373ixz.png

 photo worse_zpszbkwixhd.png

 photo Faik_zpsefszhdq7.png

 photo Ogm_zpsaeercx7d.png

 photo Butter_zpsplya1mtk.png

 photo phonecase_zpsmlgqkeze.png