Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Finally company!

I got ESO 5 months ago and so far I've been playing mostly alone. Gabriella returned to GW2 soon after we got the game and other friends that promised to play the game still haven't bought the game.

Either way ESO is very enjoyable even when you're all alone so it never bothered me much, aside from the fact that I REALLY wanted to share all those beautiful places and stories with people I care about. After joining Vampires and Co I finally had some people that wanted to hang out with me and I've had loads of fun with them so far.

But now, my boyfriend finished building his new PC and he bought ESO! (Okay I might have forced him kind of but I think he got interested after seeing me play ESO so often when I was at his place) He started on the Ebonheart alliance (per accident) with a dragonknight. I made a Breton Sorcerer to accompany him. So far we've done a few quests together but we spend most of the time at the bank because he's a hoarder and he has trouble deciding what to keep. (I'm kidding, we spend most of the time searching every corner of the map for loot)


Another statue.

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Icy cave.

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Redguard temple.

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Sort of creepy book...

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Katie's hot Nord character. After I told her I always make male characters to drool at she made one herself and this is the result!

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The whole guild gathered around Katie's new creation and we did some naked dancing.

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Me dancing the Redguard dance. Totally my favourite.

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Play dead pile.

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They look like they're dancing in sync...

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Marc refuses to look at me...

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The small Bosmer is wearing one of the sets you can buy with crowns (like the gems in GW2). It looks good on him.

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Hanging out at a fireplace with Utku right before a dungeon.

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Fungal Grotto with Utku, Marc and Will.

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Will and Marc.

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The dungeons are as beautiful as the small caves you find.

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I found a campfire so we sat around it and shared Skyrim stories and sang bard songs.

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Another dungeon. This one was filled with upset Bosmer.

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Gotta love one hit kills. I have to work on my block and dodge skills...

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Scary lizard.

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In this dungeon (forgot which) there were some waterfalls you had to jump off. On this screenshot you can see Marc falling down.

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Cool, foggy place.

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Jumping on the roots of a tree.

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Entrance of a dungeon in Skyrim.

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After the dungeons we tried out some new emotes in Velyn Harbor, Bosmer city. Juggleflame (or was it jugglefire?) is totally my favourite now!

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Utku kept pickpocketing the guards that passed by us. Eventually he got caught.

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My new character, Aurnir (sorcerer), leaning against a wall with Marc.

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For a quest you had to distract a bartender. I got a Dunmer drunk so he started to sing. The singing in the game is usually beautiful but this guy sang really badly. The bartender raged at him and then kicked him across the room. Haha.

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Hanging out with Utku in a Nord style house.

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Found this skeleton on a cliff.

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Sitting half AFK at the water in Bal Foyen, Argonian map.

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Utku managed to jump on a high rock. I tried to follow him but gave up eventually.

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After the 'first starting the game confusion' of my bf we started to play together. Here I told him about the Redguard dance and made him try it. Haha.

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Look who I ran into again!

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Argh bird!

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Since I've done all the quests on the Ebonheart pact already I just follow Yannick around and let him do most of the quests. Here I'm watching him struggle over a puzzle.

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The hero pose, or as I like to call it: The Fable Pose.

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When I play alone I play on my Khajiit. He's exploring Deshaan currently, a region in Morrowind.

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Argonian temple, I think.

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My pretty sorcerer.

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Cute guy. (It took him about 10 minutes to able to sort of lean against the stone, haha)

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Yannick loves to run through lava, although it hurts a lot. When I asked him why he simply said: Because I can!

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Do I see a chest there under the bridge???

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Scary cave.

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