Hanging out with a Charr role play guild which I left meanwhile.
With Gab in WvW.
Exploring with Smoer (and Stelios).
Failing in Citadel of Flame.
Hi, chair.
My Norn being as tall as Smoer.
Smoer being as tall as a Norn.
Camping at Tequatl.
We finally killed Triple Trouble again! It was very exciting and a lot of fun. I now have the Great Jungle Wurm slayer title! Hooray! Thank you Aidan!
Dancing with Smoer.
Nice place and timing to login.
Cool looking Norn.
While writing the Ascalon Catacombs guide I decided to enter AC to get into the mood. Smoer joined me and we ended up doing path 2 with just the two of us. We gave up at the end boss.
Hanging out with Smoer and Stelios in the Grove.
Mini dungeon I ran into.
Got some help from two German Charrs.
Nice view.
Aetherblades! Another great run. Well done!
Taking screenshots of our matching armor.
Hanging out with Smoer's Necromancer in Ebonhawke.
Got this random whisper...
Guild bounties. Thank you everyone for showing up!