Sunday 19 May 2013

Skyrim, too much skyrim

A small blog update. I really haven't been posting much anymore but I just don't have anything to ramble about. I'm not playing any online games right now and I'm not visiting exciting places.

I'm working on a drawing that I kinda like so far. All I have to do now is the colouring and... That's the part where I mostly slack off but I'll try my best! Anyway, pictures!

I made pizzas with my father's girlfriend. We made 4 different ones and each of them was SO good. I really should make some again.

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The day before yesterday I also baked cookies. I tried to decorate them with chocolate but I kind of failed. I really like my poop and viking helm cookie though.

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Started a sort of 'competition' with Smoer. She came over with her laptop and we both made a new character on Skyrim. They had to resemble us (kind of... Ok we actually don't look like them at all...). Now we'll play together, aside each other and try to get as far as we can... Without dying! The first one to die, even if it's because of falling off a cliff, loses. Then it's game over! I'm curious who will win. So far I almost got dragged down a waterfall by the strong river current and I had to run away from a giant. Smoer too had to run away from a giant but mostly spend her time dressing her follower.

I really can't wait till we continue this.

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Thanks to Smoer I'm playing a lot of Skyrim again. Two nice pictures...

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Yesterday I was complaining to Smoer that I couldn't find this one NPC named Sven, I needed him as follower. Smoer kept saying he had to be there somewhere. Then I said: Found him! He was pretty dead and naked though. Damn dragons.

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Yesterday I also visited my mother again and got to cuddle Tipi! She's so adorable.

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I took a ribbon and ran with it through the house. The cats both seemed to like it.

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I brought all my smaller papercrafts and Altaïr to my dad's place now. The three Assassins are together! Mirai is such a bad ass Assassin.

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Here are my small papercrafts and my manga collection! Ignore the silly sheets on the walls, they are from when I was still at school.

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My father went to a second hand store and found this New York book for only €1.5. It's such a useful book!

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I bought a new hat and new sneakers for my Xbox Live avatar. I like this look. Bit black but yeah...
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And for the fans, you can also purchase a Justin Bieber wig.

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