The 'balls' is a kind of meringue on a biscuit covered with chocolate. The pink ones are with passion fruits and the dark ones are with mango. The milk chocolates one are the regular ones. The chocolate bar is praliné with hazelnut. There were also some truffles. That's really soft (butter) chocolate covered with chocolate flakes. This is what heaven is like.
When Smoer's mother was out we made pasta carbonara together for dinner. Yummy.
And Kinder chocolates as dessert. Hehe.
Last week we also played some Skyrim (together) aside each other again. I died when I got attacked by hired thugs when I was standing on a narrow bridge between two towers. I don't know why they came for me and why I didn't run away but... Smoer won! I died! Of course Smoer died like 5 times right after I died but okay...
After trying really hard I got this flower band for my mage, Rika. I really love my mage, she's so strong and cool. You can see her follower Erik the Slayer behind her.
This week I finally got my smithing to 100 and crafted some dragon scale gloves, boots and a helmet for me and my follower.
Mirai playing Xbox.
Monday it was finally sunny so me and Smoer went for a ride with our bikes. We followed a channel that connects with the bigger one where we usually hang out. It was a really nice tour!
And yesterday I made cookies! I saw these on the internet and really wanted to try to make them myself. They turned out pretty ok.