Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Papercraft Update: Frost dragon

I finally continued with my dragon for a bit. The head part is almost finished!

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Shopping, cooking and Skyrim of course

Last Friday I went shopping with my mother. I got two new tops, a t-shirt, a grey sweater (I really wanted one), new All Stars (dark red, -15%!), a new wallet (-50%!), a gift for Gabriella, princess stickers and some more smaller things. When we were doine me and my mother wanted to go to this little tea house where they serve chocolates with your tea but we were pretty tired and far away from our favourite tea shop so we decided to buy our own chocolates and eat them at home. I love living in Belgium, the chocolate here is so amazing...

The 'balls' is a kind of meringue on a biscuit covered with chocolate. The pink ones are with passion fruits and the dark ones are with mango. The milk chocolates one are the regular ones. The chocolate bar is praliné with hazelnut. There were also some truffles. That's really soft (butter) chocolate covered with chocolate flakes. This is what heaven is like.

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When Smoer's mother was out we made pasta carbonara together for dinner. Yummy.

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And Kinder chocolates as dessert. Hehe.

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Last week we also played some Skyrim (together) aside each other again. I died when I got attacked by hired thugs when I was standing on a narrow bridge between two towers. I don't know why they came for me and why I didn't run away but... Smoer won! I died! Of course Smoer died like 5 times right after I died but okay...

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After trying really hard I got this flower band for my mage, Rika. I really love my mage, she's so strong and cool. You can see her follower Erik the Slayer behind her.

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This week I finally got my smithing to 100 and crafted some dragon scale gloves, boots and a helmet for me and my follower.

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Mirai playing Xbox.

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Monday it was finally sunny so me and Smoer went for a ride with our bikes. We followed a channel that connects with the bigger one where we usually hang out. It was a really nice tour!

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And yesterday I made cookies! I saw these on the internet and really wanted to try to make them myself. They turned out pretty ok.

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The nettle river

Last week me and Smoer went for a ride with our bikes again and we drove to the channel to see the sunset. Unfortunately there were clouds blocking the sun again so we rode back disappointed. When we passed a small river near the channel Smoer mentioned that she once followed it and found really nice places. Thus, we locked our bikes at the side of the road and started following the river.

At first walking aside the river was relaxing. Smoer took her iPhone, turned one some Enya music and put her phone in the cap of my hoodie. Like that we could listen to the sweet tones of the music while walking. The wind was blowing around us and we could see the moon in the sky. The river was on the left of us. At the other side a riverbank such as the one we were walking on and a forest. At our right side there was a small stream followed by a forest. We followed some kind of a trail we thought was made by humans but soon we found tracks of deers and we figured this was a wild life track! There were some nettles and Smoer was wearing ballerinas but I was wearing All Stars so I flatted them out for her. Meanwhile the sun was setting. It was too cloudy to see the sunset but it got slightly darker. The river bend right and left but we kept following it, chatting and laughing. As we got further more nettles popped up. I tried to flat out as many as I could so Smoer wouldn't hurt herself so we continued on a slower pace.

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After walking for quite some time I noticed that we couldn't really go any further. The stream that was running on the right of us lead into the river and blocked our path. It wouldn't have been such a big problem if the sides of the stream wouldn't be so steep and if they wouldn't have been covered with nettles. Further on we also saw a fence coming close to the river, we would have a hard time passing that. We didn't feel like trying too hard so we decided to turn back, it was getting dark anyway. Smoer said she didn't feel like walking the same path back so we tried to find a way to cross the stream. It was barely 2m wide but the nettles made our cross more difficult. We found some branches that formed a sort of bridge over the stream so we carefully crossed the stream.

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At the other side there was an unusual forest ground. Normally there aren't many plants growing under trees but here there was some strange kind of reed. There were some fallen trees with mushrooms on it and it just looked all pretty cool. We made our way through the forest, excited about our surroundings and tried to make our way back to our bikes. We soon realized we got pretty far and that we had a long way to go. We tried to stay near the river so we wouldn't lose our way (not like we really would have, there were fences on our left side from gardens and the river was on the right side). We picked up some branches, pretended to be Skyrim adventurers and kept on walking. It got darker and darker and soon we couldn't really see anymore where we put our feet. I was walking first and I felt that the ground was getting... softer... Suddenly I stepped into a puddle! Ykes!

My shoe was all wet. Smoer laughed a bit and tried to find another way around but stepped into a stream? A puddle? We really couldn't see. We tried to keep walking but we soon realized we were in some kind of swamp-ish area and ballerinas and All Stars aren't the perfect kind of shoes to wear in a swamp. We kept stumbling into streams and puddles and our feet got all wet. My socks were drenches! At first I tried to get the water out of my shoes but I gave up pretty fast on that. We realized it would be better that we went back to the dry river bank. Thus, we moved more to the right to there realize the small 'stream' between the forest and the river became a bit larger!

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We tried to find a way to cross it but once again the nettles made it more difficult. Smoer actually didn't care much about the nettles anymore since she had been stung by them a few times already but we still tried to cross carefully. Then we finally found a tree which roots were in the stream so we used those to cross the stream. We climbed back through the nettles to the river bank and were relieved to walk on dry ground. It was really dark by then but it was light for us to see where we were going. We were laughing and chatting about our wet feet when we suddenly saw flashlights in the distance. We realized the flashlights were probably from somewhere around our bikes. We tried to figure out what was going on, being a bit scared till we saw some blue lights flashing. Police?

We tried to think if this area was private or something but as far as we knew this was no one's property. Smoer suggested to turn the flashlights of our iPhones on to show that we were coming (since we were coming out of a dark forest). Slowly we reached our bikes with our wet shoes. Two police officers were waiting for us. One looked at us and asked what we were doing there. I told them we were curious about how the forest looked like if we followed the river. He asked why we did that in the middle of the night (it was 11pm by then). I started walking when it was still light. He asked if we didn't do anything bad and if we did this more often and we replied twice no. He looked at us like we were some strange kind of creatures and then said okay and left. Me and Smoer, tired of our wet feet, stepped onto our bikes and drove to my house. We laughed a bit about what happened but we were excited about our adventure.

At my house we kicked off our shoes and washed our feet. I could wring out my socks since they were so soaked and Smoer had a lot of dirt on her feet. We put on some clean socks, put ourselves in the sofa and watched a DVD. After that I gave Smoer clean shoes and she went home. When I was in bed I found a gift from the forest. Two ticks at my tummy! The morning after I found 6 more ticks. 2 on my leg, 3 on my arms and one on my buttocks.This is my personal record, I had 8 ticks! Gross. Smoer had none... Lucky girl.

The day after I cleaned my shoes. They were as dirty inside as outside. Smoer cleaned her shoes only a few days later and her shoes had gotten... hairs... Yuk.

It was really fun and exciting and reminded us how much we love the country side. There we can at least go on an adventure without running into people or police. I really want to follow the river again sometime but I'll be sure to put on some high boots then.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Drawing update: Gaming

This is the drawing I've been working on lately. Smoer asked if I could draw us together so I thought I'd make a room and fill it with stuff we both like. When it's finished I'll list all the things that you can see in this drawing. For now you can try to guess! This is the progress I made so far.

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Sunday, 19 May 2013

Skyrim, too much skyrim

A small blog update. I really haven't been posting much anymore but I just don't have anything to ramble about. I'm not playing any online games right now and I'm not visiting exciting places.

I'm working on a drawing that I kinda like so far. All I have to do now is the colouring and... That's the part where I mostly slack off but I'll try my best! Anyway, pictures!

I made pizzas with my father's girlfriend. We made 4 different ones and each of them was SO good. I really should make some again.

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The day before yesterday I also baked cookies. I tried to decorate them with chocolate but I kind of failed. I really like my poop and viking helm cookie though.

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Started a sort of 'competition' with Smoer. She came over with her laptop and we both made a new character on Skyrim. They had to resemble us (kind of... Ok we actually don't look like them at all...). Now we'll play together, aside each other and try to get as far as we can... Without dying! The first one to die, even if it's because of falling off a cliff, loses. Then it's game over! I'm curious who will win. So far I almost got dragged down a waterfall by the strong river current and I had to run away from a giant. Smoer too had to run away from a giant but mostly spend her time dressing her follower.

I really can't wait till we continue this.

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Thanks to Smoer I'm playing a lot of Skyrim again. Two nice pictures...

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Yesterday I was complaining to Smoer that I couldn't find this one NPC named Sven, I needed him as follower. Smoer kept saying he had to be there somewhere. Then I said: Found him! He was pretty dead and naked though. Damn dragons.

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Yesterday I also visited my mother again and got to cuddle Tipi! She's so adorable.

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I took a ribbon and ran with it through the house. The cats both seemed to like it.

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I brought all my smaller papercrafts and AltaĂ¯r to my dad's place now. The three Assassins are together! Mirai is such a bad ass Assassin.

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Here are my small papercrafts and my manga collection! Ignore the silly sheets on the walls, they are from when I was still at school.

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My father went to a second hand store and found this New York book for only €1.5. It's such a useful book!

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I bought a new hat and new sneakers for my Xbox Live avatar. I like this look. Bit black but yeah...
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And for the fans, you can also purchase a Justin Bieber wig.

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Friday, 10 May 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Spring finally arrived in Europe! There's sun and flowers and green stuff growing. It's all amazing but it makes me feel guilty when I just want to be lazy and play some games on my Xbox... Together with spring some other things changed in my life (that's probably why I haven't updated blog for so long).

I quit my job. I didn't really like working at my mother's store anymore. I realized I got annoyed at small things at work and I didn't like that. I hated myself for getting so easily annoyed and well... yeah that brought me down. So I told my mother I wanted to quit. I'm looking for a new job now but I'll probably follow some courses first.

Besides that a person reappeared into my life. You may know her from my first Flyff posts: Smoer! We talk and meet up again. She loves Skyrim a lot, just like me and knows so much about it. We also played some Minecraft together. Screenshots of that later. Actually we both didn't change much and that kinda makes me happy.



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Since I'm more home now for the time being I try to cook more. Here some things I made.

Sauce sandwiches with my grandmother.

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I made these a while ago together with a friend... Sushi!

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Preparing for barbecue in the sun.

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I still go out to run. Check my cute run shoes!

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Picture of the park I run in.

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I won't see my deer Tipi for a while... I miss her so much!

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Me and Smoer used to love to buy all kinds of things in the supermarket and then eat in the park. When we met in the city we had a waffle and apple fritter!

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Spring in Sweden. Sweden is so beautiful... Pictures of Gabriella.

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Dino's puppies have grown up a little. They're so adorable.

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Replaying Assassin's Creed III when I saw this. Some guy randomly standing on another woman's back.

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