Saturday 13 August 2011

Who are we? Karlo, Brett and Shehan


Me: Ready for this superpuper interview?
Karlo: Superpuper? SuperDEpuper please. So, yes. (Nervous)
Me: We'll do it in English.
Karlo: Ok. Hello stranger. Live yet?
Me: Yes, hai!
Karlo: Well this ain't the time to go away from keyboard.
Me: Well I gotta type everything you say in notepad, so I might reply a little slow.
Karlo: Al right, I can live with that! But... Like everything? ... Including this?
Me: Yep! So, what's your real name?
Karlo: Karlien. I'd rather not mention my family name.
Me: I don't even want to put family names online, that would be a little too personal. How old are you?
Karlo: 14, 6days to 15. (This interview was a while ago so she's 15 now)
Me: Well, congratulations! Where do you live?
Karlo: Belgium, Antwerp. Thanks by the way.
Me: Haha best place to live, you must be awesome!
Karlo: Like most people in Antwerp.
Me: What languages do you speak?
Karlo: My main language is Dutch. I also speak English and French (which is rather bad, lol). Did 2 years of Latin but still don't get it.
Me: Latin is just really complicated.
Karlo: That's the reason I quit it, my mother forced me to do it for 2 years.
Me: Aw, that's no good. What are your hobbies?
Karlo: Well I play the saxophone, I go to a youth group and I like to go out with my friends. And of course gaming.
Me: Cool you play saxophone.
Karlo: I had to play an instrument, so I chose the sax.
Me: Hehe, I took piano lessons for a while. I really liked it. I wanted it myself.
Karlo: Well, I like the sax too, and my teacher is very kind too. Lots of patience, which is needed sometimes for me.
Me: That's good! Do you have pets?
Karlo: Yeah I have a dog, his name is Doran.
Me: Fun dog?
Karlo: Kind of. He's quite active. He's my brother's, well at least my brother chose him.
Me: Haha. If you could go on holidays to any place in the world, where would you like to go to?
Karlo: The beach. Um, In Croatia I think. Croatia looks nice. Going there this  summer holidays.
Me: Cool! Now, about Flyff. How long do you play already?
Karlo: Yeah, can't wait. Eh. 6 years or something.
Me: What's your main character?
Karlo: My Elementor, karlo.
Me: What's your favourite class?
Karlo: Elementor I'd say.
Me: Why is that?
Karlo: Um. Wew didn't repair myself for this question.
Me: Most people don't even know they are going to get interviewed.
Karlo: I don't know. I can control the elements, I can't be blocked, and Elementors used to be underpowered. In the meanwhile they got stronger though. I always like to make underpowered class, and then try to make them as strong as the others.
Me: Well that's nice.
Karlo: And I read most of the interviews before.
Me: Haha. Now the question you're fearing. What's your favourite monster?
Karlo: Ugh. I could go through every monster, and I'd still not be sure. Like... Aibatts are cute, Demian is my server name, Asuras made me go Master, the rabbits from Trazzy... are rabbits. Man,this is a pain.
Me: Haha, well this is enough. What do you like about Flyff?
Karlo: The gameplay. The guild. My friends. Quite a long list. and the fact that it always stays a challenge. For me at least.
Me: We're at the end of the interview. Try to describe yourself, one word is enough.
Karlo: I've never actually described myself... others do that for me usually.
Me: Well this will be your first time.
Karlo: Well, you need patience with me sometimes. But. God why are you doing this to me. Win, pimpampet.
Me: Thanks for your time.
Karlo: You're welcome


Spirit: Ask away.
Me: Hehe, okay. Hi there. What's your name ingame?
Spirit: SpiritInuyasha.
Me: How long do you play Flyff already?
Spirit: About 3 years.
Me: And I never saw you around. What's your favorite job?
Spirit: Ringmaster.
Me: Why is that?
Spirit: I like to help people.
Me: What's your favorite monster?
Spirit: I don't think I have one.
Me: Is there any monster then that you like a bit?
Spirit: Princes since nobody likes them enough where they forgotten even by their equally forgotten father.
Me: Haha, ok. What do you like about Flyff?
Spirit: It lets me talk and play with my friends. Also your short.
Me: Your short?
Spirit: Sam gave me full permission to harass my reporter.
Me: Lol, well. It'll only make the interview longer. What's your name?
Spirit: Brett.
Me: How old are you?
spirit: 21.
Me: Where do you live?
Spirit: Canada, BC.
Me: BC?
Spirit: Province, British Colombia.
Me: What are your hobbies?
Spirit: Reading I suppose.
Me: Nothing else?
Spirit: Not that I can immediately think of.
Me: What kind of books do you read?
Spirit: Fantasy would be the ones that usually hold my interest.
Me: Did you read the Lord of the Rings books then? And Narnia?
Spirit: Nope.
Me: They seem pretty fantasy to me. Great books actually too. Better than the movies. Do you have pets?
Spirit: No.
Me: Would you want pets?
Spirit: I wouldn't mind a cat sure.
Me: If you could go on holidays to any place in the world, where would you want to go to?
Spirit: I would say... I would go around Europe a bit. I got some friends worth visiting.
Me: Hooray. We're at the end already. Try to describe yourself, one word is enough.
Spirit: Why didn't you just say that as you left? The last question... Eyeroll...
Me: Hehe, take your time.
Spirit: An usual poor gamer.
Me: Okay, thanks for your time!


Me: So, em, hello Shehan.
Shehan: Hello!
Me: Let's get to know you better. What's your name Shehan?
Shehan. Duh. Shehan...
Me: Yea, well. I just got to ask that even though I know your name! How old are you?
Shehan: 14.
Me: Where do you live?
Shehan: InU U.A.E.
Me: United Arabes Emigrate, or something?
Shehan: Emirates yah...!
Me: What languages do you speak?
Shehan: Em, English mainly. I speak my mother tongue, Sri Lankan.
Me: What are your hobbies?
Shehan: Em. Playing Flyff, football... and a little PS3. I like collecting stuff but I don't have the time.
Me: Already a busy person on the age of 14?
Shehan: Maybe...
Me: Do you have pets?
Shehan: Of course. My little kitty Lui.
Me: If you could go on holidays to any place in the world, where would you want to go to?
Shehan: Em, not really sure.
Me: Take your time to think about it.
Shehan: I like to visit my own country. Like to come to your place too and say "Hi!".
Me: Haha. Ok, ok. Time for Flyff questions. What's your main character called?
Shehan: Em. Used to be Shehan76 until he got hacked. But it's ThinkerBell now...
Me: When did you start playing Flyff?
Shehan: Maybe lke a year this month.
Me: That's not that long! What's your favorite monster?
Shehan: Lol. Odd question because I kill them all. But Luia I guess cause I got a pet of them.
Me: Haha you're the first one making such a comment, though you're completly right. What do you like about Flyff?
Shehan: Em, mainly TwilightDentifries.
Me: Fries!
Shehan: Frice*! All I logg in for is just to see you guys.
Me: Last question. Try to describe yourself. One word is already enough.
Shehan: I'm... just another guy!
Me: Well thank you for your time!
Shehan: No thank you!