Monday Sean finally reached enough exp to become Hero. Not just a Hero like in this story but a Flyff Hero! The Hero kind with the ugly H aside your name. Thàt kind of Hero.
So, yeah. Sean went Hero so we all had to come to volcano. There Dino'd sleep us (why?). I gave Phanbubble (that I got from Koby, thanks Koby!) to everyone and we entered.
We ran to the top and I went AFK for dinner.
When I came back I realized Sean was still busy hunting quest items. Together with Sean and Hunter I ran back to Meteonykers and watched Sean hunting.
When Sean had all quest items (well he thought so) we ran back to the top to realize there he still missed one heart! He ran back and hunted for one more quest item.
Then finally Sean came back and he could go Hero!
Frank pretended he'd blink out because it took too long. Dino sleeped him and Frank couldn't undo his teleporting. He got quite angry because of that. Ha... ha...
Then Dino sleeped us again (it's getting quite annoying... maybe I should just start to randomly sneak everyone. Isn't that exactly the same?)