Wednesday 22 June 2011

The Colosseum and Guild Siege

I haven't been updating blog for a week and I could hear that from several people that kept telling me to update my blog. I can't believe I drove back to my dad's place just to upload the screenshots I had on my computer. When I arrived there my brother mentioned that I could've used LogMeIn or Teamviewer. I'll think about that next time...

Anyway. Last Saturday evening was supposed to be the day we would go to Colosseum. Though, at 7PM no one was ready to go to Colosseum. After some complaining we decided to go after all. We prepared some power-ups and gathered at the old Saint Morning arena.

We were exactly with 8. Dino, Frank, Lunar, Bored, Hunter, Kyuui, Pim and me.

After entering the first time we had to leave again. Frank disconnected and wasn't with us. We entered the Colosseum for a second time.


The first monster that appeared was Khan. Dino tanked it easily and we killed it easily.


The second one was Lykanos. This one appears in Aminus too. It took us a while to kill it but we had no problems with it.




Then... Asmodan appeared. The monster I didn't want to see at all. We tried to kill it and it went good in the beginning. Dino could handle it's hits and we did some dammage. When Nyx appeared we killed them. At a certain point Asmodan changed target and a few of us died. Later I died too. Asmodan gained his HP back and it felt like we couldn't kill it. Dino let himself die and Frank ran a few rounds with Asmodan after him. The end of our colosseum adventure.









After that we went to TDF island and played a few games hide and seek.

(Screenshots from Pim)



The leader of Toxicity asked if we wanted to Siege and gave me the money for it. I gave Lunar guild lead. I was one minute too late too join Guild Siege so I only watched.

We ended up on the second place (before IDOL!). Lunar managed to be 4th with 10 points, Bored was 5th with 8 points and Dino ended 6th with 2 points. Kyuui finished 7th with 0 points.

Dino: We got screwed over by Toxicity because they spam sneaked us.




(Screenshot from Pim)