Sunday, 21 November 2010

Who are we? Sasuke, Kito and Lucrecia.


Me: Hi!
Sas: Hei Lisa
Me: What's your name?
Sas: Nicola.
Me: How old are you?
Sas: 18.
Me: Where do you live?
Sas: Italy.
Me: What languages do you speak?
Sas: Italian and some English.
Me: What are your hobbies?
Sas: Playing Flyff.
Me: Nothing more?
Sas: Mmm. I had more, but for now only this.
- Dinner break -
Me: Do you have pets?
Sas: Nop.
Me: Would you want one?
Sas: Maybe.
Me: If you could go on holidays to any place in the world, where would you want to go to?
Sas: Uhmm. Maybe Tokyo.
Me: Why?
Sas: Umm, to visit.
Me: Lol. How long are you playing Flyff already?
Sas: Effective?
Me: Yeah?
Sas: I started to play one and a half year ago.
Me: What's your main character?
Sas: This. (xXSasukeUchihaXx)
Me: What kind of character is it?
Sas: Blade.
Me: What's your favorite class?
Sas: Ranger.
Me: Why is that?
Sas: Uhmm. I don't know.
Me: Haha, ok. What's your favorite monster?
Sas: Asmodan.
Me: Haha nice one. Last question. Try to describe yourself, one word is enough.
Sas: Umm. Undecided.
Me: Thank you for answering the questions!
Sas: No problem.


Me: Hai!
Kito: Hai!
Me: What's your name?
Kito: Real name?
Me: Yeah, if you don't mind.
Kito: Melad.
Me: How long do you play Flyff already?
Kito: My Flyff life story freakin' sucks. I quit like 3 times.
Me: When did you start?
Kito: On Kito?
Me: On Flyff.
Kito: I started more than 3 years ago, then I quit for 1 year. Then back after 1 year, then I quit a half year. And now I'm back on Kito. Like... 2 and a half years on Flyff. 2 years and 6 months.
Me: What's your man character?
Kito: Kito, kito!
Me: Kitorasu?
Kito: Yeah!
Me: What kind of character is it?
Kito: Don't you know? It's Blade!
Me: What's your favorite class?
Kito: Blade!
Me: Why?
Me: Haha, what's your favorite monster?
Kito: Hmmm, let me think. It's you! Joke.
Me: Am I a monster?
Kito: Just kidding. Seriously, I don't know.
Me: Pick one!
Kito: Prince in azzy.
Me: Ghost of the forgotten Prince.
Kito: Yep.
Me: Noww... How old are you?
Kito: Hehe. 14.
Me: Where do you live?
Kito: Israel/Phalastine.
Me: What languages do you speak?
Kito: 3 languages. Arabic, English and Hebrew.
Me: Cool. What are your hobbies?
Kito: Baskbetball FTW!
Me: Seems like you really like it.
Kito: And street basketball... if the older teen get out of the court.
Me: Haha. Do you have pets?
Kito: Ye. Tiger.
Me: A real tiger?
Kito: Yeah.
Me: You're joking!
Kito: He's sleeping with me in the same room, eating with me. Yes, joke. I don't know how to lie!
Me: So, no pets?
Kito: I don't have any pets.
Me: Would you want one?
Kito: Nah.
Me: Ok. If you could go on holidays to any place in the world, where would you want to go to?
Kito: Germany. Cause last time I was in it, it was ROX!
Me: It was ROX?
Kito: I mean, rocks.
Me: Last question.
Kito: Finally! Just kidding.
Me: Try to describe yourself, one word is enough.
Kito: Fool.
Me: Haha, ok.
Kito: No, no. Noo! I don't know.
Me: Take your time.
Kito: Unknown.
Me: Thanks for answering my questions.
Kito: Np!


Me: Hi Lucrecia! Let's start the interview.
Lucrecia: Okay.
Me: What's your name?
Lucrecia: My real name? My name is Sabrina.
Me: How old are you,
Lucrecia: I am 20.
Me: Where do you live?
Lucrecia: In Germany.
Me: What languages do you speak?
Lucrecia: German, and a little bit English.
Me: Hehe, what are your hobbies?
Lucrecia: Ahm... Swimming, horseback riding, cooking, painting, reading, sleeping, ...
Me: A lot of hobbies!
Lucrecia: Yeah, a lot of hobbies and less time.
Me: You'll barely be bored then. Do you have pets?
Lucrecia: Ahm yes, I have a cat called Mowgi and a horse Casanova.
Me: Woah your own horse.
Lucrecia: Yeah he is a monster.
Me: Why is that?
Lucrecia: Mhh... how to say that... He is just sooo tenacious! Oh and he loves to run when I don't want to run and to eat when I want to move.
Me: Haha, so much fun.
Lucrecia: Aham.
Me: If you could go on holidays to any place in the world, where would you want to go to?
Lucrecia: Oh I would enjoy to go to Norway again.
Me: Why is that?
Lucrecia: The country is beautiful, the people are nice, the food is awesome (and they have so cute horses there!).
Me: Hehe, more about Flyff. How long are you playing already?
Lucrecia: Omg what a question... let me think. I guess I started playing May the 15th 2008.
Me: What's your main character?
Lucrecia: This one (Lucrecia).
Me: What's your favorite class?
Lucrecia: ELEMENTOR of course!!!
Me: Wow, haha. So sure about that. Why is that?
Lucrecia: Cause... They have good looking equipment.
Me: What's your favorite monster?
Lucrecia: Harpies.
Me: Last question. Try to describe yourself, one word is enough.
Lucrecia: Elementor.
Me: Ok! Thank you for your time!
Lucrecia: Anytime.