So, after the social guy came to bring Ricky and spending some days with him he soon grew into a toddler.
Smoer, my wife as I said, learned Ricky how to pee on the right place, how to walk and how to talk. I was too busy working on my career. I wanted to become a professional cook.
Still I had my moments with Ricky where I couldn't hide my love for him.
Ricky loved to play and he looked cute when he played with his bear.
When I got pregnant of a weird guy in town ( I really wanted to get pregnant), I could spend more time with Ricky. We read books together.
Then it was Ricky's birthday. Happy birthday Ricky!
Ricky became a fat elementary school kid. He enjoyed playing in the garden.
Our house became too small so we moved.
Ricky worked hard everyday at and after school, if I had time I helped him doing his homework.
Then it was Ricky's birthday again! He turned into a fat teenager.
A bit too fat... The whole weekend he trained to lose some weight.
With success! Ricky became a beautiful teenager.
Our story ends here for now.