Sunday, 21 June 2015

Goats, goats, goats!

... This was a post from a while ago that I totally forgot to publish...

Here are some cute pictures of my amazing goats.

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After years of struggling I finally managed to clear arcade mode on Bubbleshooter! (phone app)
I love how it says congratulation without an s and levles. Such a professional game!

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Awesome cat picture.

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Sausage bread!

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Another picture of all my Xbox360 games.

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My dad gave me new shoes!

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Gabriella ran into a bunch of crazy tea in the supermarket. What are they even thinking?

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The last tab of iPhone/Whatsapp emoticons is just ridicilous. They seem so useless so me and Gabriella decided to make use of them.

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Ocelot hunt and more

I'm finally done with school for this year so I got plenty of time to play Minecraft with Gabriella! We finally started our search for cats, finished up our gigantic tree, started a new secret project and much more. We also get visited bij Thijs sometimes, a friend I got addicted to the game, hehe.

Screenshots! (The smaller screenshots and some of the big ones are from Gabriella)

Before the tree existed, creepers!

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Patching up Gabriella's tower.

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Gabriella being silly.

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Gabriella being creepy. (Although I really wonder why I placed a pumpkin there...)

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List of things me and Gabriella randomly start doing: Spamming the doors making a lot of noise.

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Having some issues... I don't carry a bow around all the time like Gabriella does.

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Making holes in the tree to let light through. You can see tiny Gabriella on the ground giving me instructions.

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Throwing leaves at Gabriella because... Reasons. (I'm secretly a bully, but so is she!)

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Also on the list of things me and Gabriella randomly do: Flood our whole house with water.

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Pigs on/in a waterfall.

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Adorable little rabbit.

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I think Gabriella is hugging a sheep here. They kept running into each other.

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Gabriella is prepared for an apocalypse.

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When we finally had hours of free time we started our search for cats. We first walked from End Town (the town with the big ass tree) to Flower Village (the town with the crab and rainbow building). From there on we started exploring and ended up in... End Town! We split our ways there and searched individually for hours.

After a loooooong time I finally ran into a jungle. Excited I teleported Gabriella to me and we started our search for ocelots. But... Ocelots are not easy to find. I turned a jungle temple into a temporary home.

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Taming cats is not as easy as taming dogs. They run away when you move too quickly and you have to wait for them to approach you to tame them with fish. When I finally found an ocelot we built walls around it so it wouldn't be able to get away.

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After hours of exploring, finding a jungle, finding an ocelot... We finally had our first cat!

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A bit later we found a second ocelot.

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We locked it up and Gabriella tamed it. It became a different breed! We caught a third ocelot later on but it turned into another orange cat. We might go back sometime to try to get the third breed.

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Our first kitten.

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A couple days later, when we had each 3-4 cats we started our journey back home. Thijs joined us.

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Following the compass it didn't take too long to find Flower village. From there on we found our way to End Town. Home sweet home!

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Having a lot of cats in our main house was a real bother, we soon realized that. They make a lot of noise, they jump on chests so you can't use them and they just sit in the way. We were already planning to build a cat head house for them so we started right away.

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Inside the head.

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After that we started breeding them. We needed loads of fish for that so we started fishing. Day...

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And night...

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When the cats were settled we finished up the gigantic tree.

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Gabriella who's searching me.

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Gabriella made a heart in The Nether. Aww.

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Finished tree.

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Creeper in the tree...

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More pie gifts from Gabriella!

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We got a bunch of chickens in the farm house. For some reason they only like Gabriella's room though. They drop eggs all the time so whenever I walk in there I have eggs in my inventory.

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I decided to start throwing them in Gabriella's tower (because I'm a bully). The last time I did that Gabriella was there and killed one of the chickens. I went out and placed a sign in front of her door. And I waited...

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And then a creeper passed by and blew it all up...

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Gabriella got pre-occupied while standing in front of her door. I had trouble getting out...

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Gabriella gave me a bow with unlimited arrows so I started using it. Unfortunately my aim isn't perfect yet so I should a couple of sheep too... Sorry sheep.

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Lovely creeper inside our house.

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