Sunday, 19 April 2015

Lisa explores Tamriel

Hi and welcome to Lisa's adventures in the Elder Scrolls Online. I've been playing all alone because Gabriella still likes GuildWars too much but that's okay. I've joined 3 guilds so far. One is a Dutch guild with a really big guild store (which is useful since there's no central market place to sell your stuff), a guild with a girl in it that likes me because I do not have a Nord Warrior and another guild with another girl in it that likes me because I told her how to cure her sore throat.

Either way I've really been playing all alone aside from some chatting in one of the guild chats sometimes but they're quiet for most of the day. Playing solo is no problem though. I've done a wide variety of quests, done some crafting and most of all enjoyed my surrounding because... This game is BEAUTIFUL.

Ran into the deadra world. Found a cute statue.

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More cute stuff, lava and all.

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Every time I run into a cave I'm just stunned by the details. This is a screenshot of a random cave, it looked absolutely stunning.

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Nord gravestone.

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An elf hanging out.

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You can find a dungeon on every map. You have to do them with a full part of 4 people. There are tanks and healers 'needed' for every dungeon. I found myself a party and did a dungeon. They were 3 mages so I was supposed to be the tank I guess. They healed me all the time so that was pretty cool.

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A cool Khajiit I met.

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Another deadra cave. Just look at those... beautiful... dead bodies!

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Glowing cave.

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Some ruins.

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Even the monsters look really good (and creepy).

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You can also find a bunch of tiny animals. There are rabbits, spiders, snakes, mudcrabs, rats, ...

I found this little lizzard in the Bosmer (woodelf) area.

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Woodelf land.

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Hag's hut.

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The biggest city in the woodelf area is also the capital of the Dominion (alliance between 3 races, Khajiit, high elves and wood elves). It's inside a gigantic tree.

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The king of the Bosmer.

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Uh-oh. Are those dragon bones?

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An old prison I got locked up in by a deadra prince.

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I love these tiny things. They're a mix of a chicken and a dinosaur.

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A church I think?

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This helmet looks familiar...

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A creepy scene I ran into.

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Statues everywhere!

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Following a dog named Eat Eat for a quest. Why not.

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Khajiit temple.

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Praying at a shrine of my spirit animal, the tiger.

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A handsome prince that turned into a monster. Awesome.

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Planning tactics for taking down a group of vampires. (You can actually become a vampire or a werewolf in the game.)

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Deku tree!

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Cute deadric castle, wonder what's inside.

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Battle between Harry Potter and Voldemort.

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Khajiit 'moonsugar cane' farm.

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Living room of a Khajiit noble.

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A Khajiit city.

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Making friends with NPCs.

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Shaman Orc. Badass.

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Typical Orc stronghold.

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A mammoth! Looks small compared to the ones in Skyrim though.

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