Thursday 14 November 2013

Pictures of cats and Rome

Hooray, pictures.

Feeding Tipi cheese is funny. Putting cheese on top of her head is even funnier.

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My dad recently cut a tree down and has a lot of firewood now. This is just a small part of it! I think we'll have a warm winter here.

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My friend Smoer studies Italian (and English) and is studying in Rome for a few months now. When she has time she visits other cities and nice places. Last week she went to Vatican city! Here are some pictures she took.

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Smoer also loves Assassin's Creed, mostly the game 'Brotherhood' which finds place in Rome. She has a really hard time suppressing the need to climb the buildings in Rome. The Colosseum is the most tempting building for her.
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Awesome Nutella snack (from Smoer)! I know you want it.

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