Tiny santa chocolate.
Dad's tractor finally came back from repairs after 8 months so it was time to celebrate!
A very difficult question.
My phone was acting weird...
Escaped goat!
Gabriella went on a short cruise and was surrounded by beautiful views.
Walking around in the city.
My presents from Sinterklaas. (Yeah that was two months ago)
Yannick interviewing a seagull.
Pictures of people with hats. I found a book with a lot of hats and the models were just too funny.
Failing at QuizClash.
Sunrise on the bus.
Me and Yannick are so romantic. Our initials in... Bacon...
My dad wants to sell my desk/bed so I had to take a picture of it to put online. My whole manga collection is seen on the right and my favourite papercrafts are in the middle. Altaïr and frost dragon.
The bricks Gabriella gave me for Christmas are quite addicting. This is one of my creations.
When I'm home alone in the evening I often light one of the candles Yannick gave me. They smell so great! And it's cozy too.
Zune enjoying the snow in Sweden.
While Gabriella had tons of snow all we got was some hail frozen to the ground. It was the first time for the baby goats to experience such a thing. Hagar tried to scrape it all off and Hermine just ran around.
Leyna gave this wood block pillow to my dad and Ingrid for their Christmas.
Although it's more like 'one sketch a two days' instead of 'one sketch a day' I did manage to keep it up for a while. Now it's been a week since I last sketched but I'll try to start again! It's fun to look at all the silly sketched I made, and why I made them.
Pretty clouds.
Hagar encountered another pair of evil gloves.
Hermine and Hagar in the extension of their field.
Since I love my Star Wars bobble heads a lot I decided to give a Stitch to Leyna for her birthday.